A shell script that spits out the current weather, posted by Keyboard Maestro
Keyboard Maestro
Arq backup
Pastebot, the best clipboard manager in my not-so-humble opinion
Duo, like Slack, because I have to
Spotlight, I don’t do the Quicksilver/Alfred/LaunchBar/Raycast thing anymore
And, well, the rest are basic.
I could probably remove Siri from the menubar, but every now and then I like to ask her to do something for me. I’m not sure where I got the weather script, but I’ve had it for years now. It uses the forcast.io API, that if you wanted to use it you’d have to get your own key I think, but here it is if you’d like to give it a shot.
It’s a Mac app. Maybe a quirky Mac app, but that’s because it has a lot of history. It is not an Electron app, like VSCode. It has been through all of the changes that MACs have had to endure. It is hella opinionated, reliable, and capable. And, always evolving.