Ulysses (finally!) introduces support for tables

@juan_doe and @nationalinterest I’m loaded too but I’d rather save money on subscriptions so I can spend it on other things. :wink:

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Sorry, but I don’t sell my ship… :thinking:


If you ever dock in Manila, please let me know and take me off this goddamn country :joy: :sob:

I lived in Manila for three years (Clark Air Force base). True story, we had armed guards patrolling the streets in our neighborhood (military housing) every night because there were head hunters in the mountains who would come down from the mountains to take heads and impale them on poles for wedding decorations. I’m not sure that is still a ‘thing” but it was when I lived there. We also had a concrete wall surrounding the house. And, it was HOT! :hot_face: And, I had a pet rooster. :chicken:

But, it is a good place to dock one’s yacht. :wink:

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Fascinating. Feel free to send me the photo(s) via private message. Trust me, I’ve seen enough, sadly, that there isn’t much that will shock me.

Just to note that Ulysses has been updated, especially improving the support for tables which can now be copied and pasted between Ulysses and Excel, Numbers and Notes. Table rows can now also be sorted alphabetically.

There’s also support for sketching on the iPad and PDF annotation on the Mac. I hope they decide to take the next logical step of exporting highlights into a new sheet (but not sure whether that’s possible with the system PDF APIs they seem to be using). That would probably help some workflows.

BTW If you are not getting the new option to change the app icon on iOS/iPadOS, it seems they released a new version of Ulysses a while back, so you need to upgrade to that one instead of the old app, which now becomes Ulysses Mobile (and has a black & white app after the recent update). Instructions here: