Unable to download a macos Catalina supplemental update installer

I’ve been trying to download a Catalina supplemental update installer through the app-store (assuming that installer is up to date)

It does not work for me however, it keeps throwing me back to the software update screen in system settings.

Anyone know how I can force an installer download, or find the full supplemental installer download on the Apple site?

For me I clicked Catalina in the app store which took me back to system preferences where it asked me if I wanted to download the installed.
Clicking OK put the installer in Applications.

I have catalina installed, but pressing download gets me to settings, and an error.

I used to be able to download a full installer from apple’s website. But cannot find it on there now,

Ah sorry, thought you were still on the beta version like I was.

This might help:


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You can find some free apps to help you with that here:

and he also gives two Terminal commands you might want to know / try:

To list updates:

sudo softwareupdate --list --include-config-data

To install them:

sudo softwareupdate --all --install --include-config-data

That would be what I’d try.

Supplemental Updates are weird. As they aren’t point updates, Apple doesn’t usually revise the build in the Mac App Store, and there won’t be a stand-alone updated on the support website However, like point updates, they’ll download via Software Update in System Preferences. Not sure why yours won’t download, but I wanted to clarify that.

Be sure to try the simple stuff like rebooting, too.

I finally was able to download a version of MacOS to my laptop after rebooting 3 times.

“It jüst works!”

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