UPDATE--It Just Got Worse / Getting frustrated with MyFitnessPal

Thanks for the app info. I’m using Lost It but I’ll check out MyNetDiary.

While I can claim to be good at sports and not eating too much…I completely suck at many other things. :smiley: That balances it out.

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£45 a year, not something I would pay.

Yes, I noticed that when I checked it out so a no go for me. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve been using Lose It continuously since December 2009, to track calories and exercise. I have recorded nearly every meal and snack during that time. It’s really not a big deal.

Using Lose It, I lost 100 pounds and have kept it off more than ten years.

For me to stick with app that long continuously is extraordinary. I change to-do, writing, read-it-later, etc., apps every few months. But with Lose It, I just stick with it.


Funny you should say that because I used Lose It for several years before switching to MFP. What goes around comes around! :slightly_smiling_face:

Congratulations by the way, that is a rather remarkable feat! I was proud of needing to lose 12 pounds, which I have. To lose 100 is extraordinary! Congrats again!

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Again quite costly per year and their privacy policy is terrible. They ask very detailed questions, track everything and sell the data to third parties.

I’ve looked at quite a number of these apps with interest, but they all tend to be expensive and harvest all your data.

There are other plans on weight management. I know people who have lost weight by using a smaller plate size, others who eat nothing after 6pm. As much as these apps seem good I wouldn’t use them on a privacy basis alone.

It would be a lot more time consuming but you could use something like www.fatsecret.com to get the contents of your food and then log it into a spreadsheet.

I’ve just re-looked at LoseIt and was considering going paid ($47 pa won’t kill me) but I do find something perversely satisfying in doing all the calculations myself.

Just saw this news…

All these calorie tracking apps seem to be expensive and moreover, there seems to be a lot of bloat in all of them when you just want some simple calories tracking.

I have considered them all and in the end I managed to lose about 30 kg this year so far (about 66 lbs) just using some common sense, limiting food intake, avoiding sugary treats and unhealthy carbohydrates, and doing lots of brisk walking (and no other workouts, no running, no gym), i.e. min 10k steps per day (my daily average is about 18k steps for the past 6 months).

This is about 2-2.5 hours of walking per day (I do about one hour in the morning and one in the evening) which is time well spent with a good podcast playlist. Apple Watch and the Fitness app have been very helpful in managing all this and staying on track.