Using UNIX commands to consolidate duplicates

Look Mom I can do UNIX.

The next task is how to find the Folders that have a lot of duplicates and consolidate them on the folder level, merging them to one folder.

Anybody have any suggestions on how to do that?

Create a UNIX command to find every instance of given file name and then move every instance to a designated folder overwriting what is in there so that you just with one file?

To find every instance of a given filename and then move each instance to a designated folder, effectively overwriting any existing file in the destination so that only the last found instance remains, you can use a combination of the find, xargs, and mv commands in UNIX or Linux. The approach slightly changes from the copy operation, as mv doesn’t need explicit instructions to overwrite files—by default, it will replace the destination file.

Here is how you can do it:

find /path/to/search -type f -name ‘filename.ext’ -exec mv -f {} /path/to/destination/ ;

Let’s break down the command:

•	find /path/to/search instructs find to start searching from /path/to/search. You should replace /path/to/search with the actual directory you wish to start the search from. If you wish to search the entire filesystem, you can use /.
•	-type f specifies that you are looking for files, not directories.
•	-name 'filename.ext' tells find to look for files with the name filename.ext. Replace filename.ext with the actual file name you’re searching for. You can also use wildcards if needed.
•	-exec mv -f {} /path/to/destination/ \; executes the mv command for each file found. The -f option forces mv to overwrite the target file without prompting. {} is replaced by the path of the current file found by find. /path/to/destination/ is the directory where you want to move the file. Make sure to replace /path/to/destination/ with your actual destination directory path.

This command will move each found file to the designated destination directory, overwriting any file with the same name that already exists there. Since each file found is moved sequentially, if multiple files with the same name exist in different locations, only the last one processed will remain in the destination directory.


How can you use UNIX commands to find folders that have a lot of duplicate files


Finding folders with a lot of duplicate files using UNIX commands involves a multi-step process. There is no single command that will instantly give you this information, but you can combine several commands to achieve your goal. The general strategy involves:

1.	Listing all files and their paths.
2.	Calculating a hash (e.g., MD5) for each file to identify duplicates.
3.	Sorting and grouping these hashes to identify duplicates.
4.	Extracting folder names from the paths of duplicate files.
5.	Counting the occurrences of each folder in the list of paths with duplicates.

This approach might not be the most efficient for very large datasets due to the computational and I/O overhead of hashing every file, but it works for most cases.

Here is a sample script that follows this strategy:


Find all files and calculate their MD5 hash

find /path/to/search -type f -exec md5sum {} + |
# Sort files by their hash
sort |
# Extract the hash and count duplicates
uniq -d --key=1 |
# Extract the directory paths
awk ‘{print $2}’ | xargs -I {} dirname {} |
# Count occurrences of each directory
sort | uniq -c | sort -nr

Let’s break down what this script does:

1.	find /path/to/search -type f -exec md5sum {} + finds all files under /path/to/search and computes their MD5 hash. Replace /path/to/search with your actual directory.
2.	sort sorts the output by hash, making duplicates come up next to each other.
3.	uniq -d --key=1 filters the output to only include lines with duplicate hashes (i.e., duplicate files), using only the first field (the hash) as the key for comparison.
4.	awk '{print $2}' | xargs -I {} dirname {} extracts the full path of each duplicate file, then gets the directory part of the path.
5.	sort | uniq -c | sort -nr sorts the directories, counts the number of occurrences of each (indicating how many duplicates were found in each directory), and then sorts these counts in descending order, so the directory with the most duplicates comes first.

This script will give you a list of directories containing duplicate files, sorted by the number of duplicate files they contain, with the most “duplicate-heavy” directories at the top.

Note: This method relies on the MD5 hash to identify duplicates. MD5 is generally reliable for non-malicious duplicates, but it’s theoretically possible for different files to have the same MD5 hash (a collision). Also, this script does not handle file names with newlines well; such cases are relatively rare but possible.