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I posted a similar note in response to the episode on the new iPads but wanted to ask the question about the Vision Pro in the hardware section as well.
I ordered a M4 iPad Pro 1 Tb. I just wanted a system to get a bit of work done while watching TV.
It was just about $2,800 out the door.
The main feature that I wanted was the horizontal camera.
If the iPad mini gets Face ID and horizontal camera then I’m pretty sure it’s going back.
I did a second demo of the Vision Pro headset, I wish they showed how to use it with your Mac.
Voice control with the new microphones was pretty awesome.
I may have to pick one up to test out how I can get work done with it.
$4,000 is a lot of money to spend on something that you just use to consume media.
But it’s only $1200 more than the iPad that I looked at.
Is there anyone out there who got the Vision Pro headset and had it become part of their everyday workflow? Has it made you more productive?
What are the main features that you find makes you more productive?
Those at briefings about the new iPads were being told on background that FaceID was too expensive to accommodate it in the price for the iPad Air, if they can’t get it in there, I doubt they can absorb it into the iPad Mini which (for me) is already too expensive for what it is.
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I haven’t even turned my on in a month. It’s neat, there isn’t much out there to do with it outside of watch Apple TV, etc.
Using it with a Mac, only the point you are actually looking at is in focus, so I found that very distracting, because I can’t see around the edges like I do just looking at a Mac screen. I would rather just use the Mac as normal.
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Absolutely, I use my Vision Pro nearly every day. Being able to have multiple apps spread around you is a game-changer for productivity. And when you are traveling the Mac virtual display is like having a portable Studio Display with you everywhere. And like you mention, the movie watching experience on Vision Pro is absolutely mind-blowing.
I bought a Vision Pro on day one and don’t regret it at all. Easily worth every penny, and then some.
I’ve had my VP since the Wednesday after go-live. Only a handful of days I haven’t used it. How about this concept - It make me productive when I wouldn’t be otherwise. Because the world is your screen with this device, you can go anywhere and do work.
My “normal” workstation is two 25" monitors on a stand and Dell Laptop (Company owned). When I use it, I feel limited to the two screens. I tend to use apps maximized or close to it. So that solution only allows me two apps. I do ctrl-tab a lot.
With the Vision Pro, I can put apps all around me. If I want to stand up, I can interact directly with my fingers. I do use an ergonomic bluetooth keyboard (logi brand). The on screen keyboard is okay in a pinch, but not productive by itself.
The type of work you do may matter. I use OneNote, Excel, Outlook, Edge, Word, PowerPoint, Teams and SMS texting. Finally got in to the Microsoft Remote Desktop Beta so I’ll use that too. My personal MacBook Pro is of the 2017 variety that won’t work with screen sharing.
By placing the apps I’m working with around me, I can just move my head to see them, move them close to my comfort, and work. Move them out of the way when not - but can generally see them for alerts and things to know if I need to interact instead of having to search for it to see - more interruptive to the workflow.
I’m on Beta 1.2, so there have been issues, but I expect there to be. Overall it’s a joy to use and I would find it hard to give it up.
I haven’t used my Vision Pro in a few weeks now. Every time I think about it just doesn’t seem worth the effort. The major issue for me is how heavy it is and I have to strictly take breaks every half hour or my face will hurt. I think it is the worst device Apple has ever made. It is compromised in so many ways, I can’t believe it made it out the door. I wish I saved my money to buy the new iPad Pro instead. I use my iPad happily every day.
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I feel for you. Buyer’s remorse is awful, especially when it involves that much money. You’ll take a bath, but if you do not use the VP, you may be able to sell it and get 50%+ of your money back. That will help pay for the iPad.