Website Blocking Apps. Do you they work for you?

This really should be baked into the system, not relegated to wonky workarounds like that one above.

That said, it is still a good puzzle trying to figure out ways to do so!

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Yeah… no. I lost the thread. In any event, I can use Freedom and block apps without all that voodoo perfectly fine, thank you. Adguard had a blog about how there was something in 14.3 that messed up how VPNs (or proxies) were used. If I just turn off my VPN or adblocker, freedom works great…

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Some guided meditation apps have apple watch versions, it might be a solution if you have a watch (and airpods).

I believe the watch app for many is more limited, having only a timer or a limited selection but I think 10 percent happier lets you browse the full catalogue.