What app for database of photography locations?

I need to build a “database” of various photography locations. Here are my requirements:

  • Need to capture assets, such as text, (back)links, maps (image OK) and PDFs
  • Need to be able to find related assets, either via linking or search
  • Would like to do this without a lot of manual intervention
  • All input/maintenance on macOS, but need to be able to grab all assets for a particular location and either move it to or access it on iOS

Any thoughts on some good apps?

So far, I’ve been using EagleFiler, which can do this on macOS, but would require Files and Search on iOS. I’m concerned about its scalability, though, but if I cannot find anything better, I may stay with it.
Devonthink may be overkill, but I’m willing to listen.

Do you require an actual database, or do you want to create “Cards” with information about certain locations? What specifically will you be using the Database functionality for?

Is there anything to stop you using Apple Notes with a folder for Locations. Each note could be a location with links to maps, and text and PDFs as part of the page.

It would all be searchable and accessible from macOS and iOS.


Thanks, @geoffaire. I don’t need a database per se. I have a ton of things in Notes already - I could probably make it work, but would prefer to have them separately.
Also, I may need to develop a tagging system in Notes (or wait for Monterey), since some of the PDF cover multiple locations and it does not make sense to duplicate these.

Do you already use Lightroom? I find that useful for keeping a separate inspiration catalogue. You can pin photos to a map & search based on keywords etc… To support hooking up to documents you could maybe put a “ref number” into the keywords and use that to look up info saved in notes.

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If you want a true database app on macOS and iOS, I can recommend TapForms.


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Yes, I did use Lightroom in the past for photo management. Not a big fan, though…

Would Houdah Geo be of any help to you?

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It sounds like Notion may be a good solution for you.

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I haven’t exactly been thinking outside of the box.

I’ve been looking for a viable app to use to get a handle on my books essentially. I never thought about storing the photos in Notes and using it similar to a database! I tend to take a few photos of each book. That’s brilliant. Is there anyway to store templates in there as well?

To the OP - are you interested in tracking where you’ve shot photos, or locations in the film production sense of places where you might shoot, scout etc.? The second requires a rather different set of assets and content, & hence app infrastructure.

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I don’t need to track where I shot certain photos. I’d like to build a location database about various locations that I plan to go to, or have scouted, or went to. Articles, clippings, maps, etc. These assets come in different formats. The potential problem with Notes is that I don’t want to duplicate certain assets - e.g., if a PDF covers 5 places, I don’t want to store 5 copies of the PDF.

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With this information, I might say to consider Zotero. Next Devonthink.


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I’d say go all in with DT Pro - unless you want to wait and try iOS 15 Notes with tagging.

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I’m doing something similar to that in Obsidian. I am linking a bunch of web cippings, notes, articles and PDFs about various topics within an Obsidian structure. The files are located in the Obsidian vault in a folder I call Attachments.

That is perfect for Obsidian. I just link to the single copy in any note that references it. Here’s an example in my system right now. I’ve ogt a PDF of the specification for a particulr SNP chip. I reference it in a Color variant project note, in a note on DNA sequencing and the types available and also in some specific project materials for 2 research projects I am planning. I only have 1 copy of the PDF in my system.

PS If all your assets are PDFs then Zotero might work nit I see it as far more specialized to creatiing a bibliography.

In the past I’d have suggested DEVONTHink, and in fact I’m moving my many similar things out of DT and inot Obsidian for reasons outlined elsewhere.


Thanks, @OogieM - in the past all my Obsidian attempts failed, but I’m open to giving it another try. How do you handle it for reference on iOS though? Do you just copy everything and use Files?

I just use the Obsidian mobile app.

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