What are your “favorite no longer used apps?”

This is so awesome it doesn’t even need 20 characters!

P.S. I’m going to give it a try.

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I worked for a grocery chain in college and Lotus 123 (for DOS) was the kind of game changing software that launched the digital revolution for the stores. We used to prepare these complicated quarterly reports in 123 that summarized all sorts of the chains favorite KPIs throughout the region.

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@bmosbacker Things and Alfred are apps you no longer use? Wow, they’re like my Top 5 apps and run my life!!

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I have never been one for loading my Macs (or iPhone or iPad) with programs/apps. All my favourite programs (Firefox, and Scrivener primarily) are still in use and will continue to be.

The programs/apps I have gotten rid are Evernote, which I only used as a hack around workflow for writing with Scrivener on my Macs and editing my prose on my iPad by adding a PDF file to Evernore but the moment that Scrivener for iOS was released I ditched Evernote. It does not inspire me to retun to using it any time soon given comments made about it here.

In a sense I no longer use Safari! Its only purpose in my book is to download the latest version of Firefox when I setup a new machine. On my iPhone and iPad the DuckDuckGo browser is my defauly.


They are excellent apps. But, I use Reminders for my tasks and I would use Alfred if I used my Mac more but recently I’m using my iPad for approximately 90% of my work.

That’s another favorite I stopped using, mostly for this reason. I was able to get out of the situation where I was managing so many concurrent, meeting-heavy relationships. It’s a lovely app.

Very tempting, but only if I can also still use SpellGuard :wink:

Way OT, but back in my very early engineering days, I was offered a job at Cromemco to work on their own word processor they bundled with their Z80 IMSAI competitor.

Although my marketing career wasn’t even in a twinkle in my eye yet, I just couldn’t understand why any company would want to develop their own word processor, I mean Wordstar and done, right?

  • Disinfectant
  • NewsWatcher
  • Eudora
  • Bolo
  • DragThing

WordStar was like Magic under CP/M. MS/DOS port was poor. And even further off topic, I lived for two years in Crothers Memorial Hall at Stanford, prior to the existence of Cromemco. That dorm was a hotbed of entrepreneurs, as of course was/is Stanford.

  • Sidekick
  • WordPerfect (replaced with Word)
  • Lotus 1-2-3 (Excel)
  • Ecco Pro :slight_smile: (NotePlan)
  • Nozbe (NotePlan)
  • Bartender (Ice)
  • OmniFocus (NotePlan)
  • Obsidian (NotePlan)
  • Better Touch Tool (Alfred + Keyboard Maestro + Karabiner do what I need)
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RIP to the best PIM ever made!!!


My favorite-but-no-longer-using apps are all antiques.

  • HyperCard

  • Claris Emailer

  • Eudora

  • MacWrite Pro


There is not an insignificant number of us who have put Eudora on this list. That says something… although, I’m not entirely sure what that is just yet.

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Notational Velocity. I miss it every day.

  • Mailbox - Why Mailbox Died - The Verge
  • Drafts - I can’t wrap my head around writing things down in this app. Yes it’s quick, yes it gives you a blank canvas. But then you have to send that writing somewhere. Easier just to open mail and write your message there. I have used the app on and off for years, paid vs free, and I still don’t know that I’ve ever written something down without being 100% where it’s going to end up.
  • Circa News - Wikipedia - Circa News. I used this periodically back in the day and remember enjoying it.

Someone wrote somewhere- “I dont need an app for my app” about drafts. A precise description in my opinion.


dBase II in DOS-based microcomputers in the 1980s. Worked on the Apple ][ as well using a CP/M adapter card. I was able to program several applications to support our medical department administrative functions.

VisiCalc on my Apple ][ in the early 1980s.


Apple Writer ][ for Apple ][.

What app for tasks & projects? thank you