What are your most contrary MPU opinions?

I totally agree (and try to evangelize my “blue bubble friends” to use iMessage :slight_smile:).

I guess this topic has become some sort of a digital AA meeting for apple addicts, and probably some people are throwing out all their feeling in an uncontrolled manner :stuck_out_tongue:

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What are the advantages of iMessage over the green bubble messaging? Is iMessage encrypted end to end?

I generally find split screen and slideover to be more trouble than it’s worth. Fun to play with, but when I need to switch between apps I just do that thing where you slide your finger up from the dock (I forget what you call that) or, if I’m using an external keyboard, I Cmd-Tab.


I like email.

I prefer using Apple’s Mac and iOS Mail apps to manage my email.

I enjoyed Star Wars. Forty years ago.


They state it is

Green bubbles are regular sms so no group or advanced feature and are (in most cases and in my country) paid or limited in number

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I use text expander and have the same issue. I can only usually remember the one’s I use the most. HOWEVER, even if I have to go look up the shortcut it still saves me time loading the template, which I can add from there.

I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who can’t remember keyboard shortcuts.


I don’t use text expansion partly for that reason. But for normal keyboard shortcuts for several years I’ve used KeyCue. (There’s a free app called Cheatsheet too, but it’s not as complete or as polished).


Same. There’s really nothing new under the sun.
Free and open source would open up a lot of discussion, but I don’t see that happening.


Good tips there, I’ll check out Atext , and maybe Hammerspoon, which I’ve been curious about. I already have KM, Launchbar, Alfred, HoudahSpot, so not sure what it could offer beyond those.


Think Apple has about 50% of the mobile marked here in Norway🙂

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MPU is still my favorite podcast.

I subscribe to many podcasts. Many, many podcasts. More than 30 podcasts. Castro is telling me that I currently have 173 un-listened-to episodes backlogged.

And MPU is the one podcast that I activate notifications for, on Sunday, to let me know as soon as a new episode drops.

Indeed, I switched from Overcast to Castro a few weeks ago, and one of the few features I miss from Overcast is the ability to set notifications on a per-podcast basis. On Overcast, I had MPU set up as the only podcast that sent me notifications as soon as a new podcast drops. With Castro, I have to switch on notifications Sunday morning and switch it off again after the new MPU episode hits.


Emacs :smiley: I just started playing around with .org mode.


Why not subscribe to MPU in the Apple Podcast app and let it notify you of new episodes? You can listen on Castro and avoid turning notifications on & off.

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Pure snobbery @MitchWagner I simply refuse to reply to green bubbles. Simple as that :sunglasses:

That’s not a bad idea. Thanks!

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One must have standards, mustn’t one?

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vi (pronounced “six” by Mac users) is the One True Editor! :stuck_out_tongue:


We just yell at Siri. The apartment is small, very small. ;0>

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I use KeyCue for that reason. It picks up Keyboard Maestro snippets well. Not TE ones of course and that is another reason I prefer Keyboard Maestro.


Hear, hear! As much as Federico geeks out on Shortcuts ad nauseum, I’ve almost no use at all for them. I found one that lets me Siri command an internet radio station in my car. That’s it! Oh, and I watch all the Star Wars films but only Episodes IV-VI are Truly good and canonical.