What are your most contrary MPU opinions?

I love the app but I am continually getting a beach ball in it. Granted, I am an outlier, I have over 200,000 pictures and over 4,000 videos. But it gets very, very tiresome having to wait while Photos figures out that it does or does not want to do what I’m asking it to do, even very simple things like naming a photo or deleting one.

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I’ve never watched a single Star Wars episode, or part thereof.


Me too, I made one for Ulysses and found it was quicker to just open the app to do a note. Since the update it is a bit quicker, but still about the same as just opening the app. I don’t use siri at all now.

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I miss David Sparks’ pre-iMac Pro phase when he was (more) iPad-centric.

And I miss Katie.


Same experience with one-third the amount of photos you say you have, and no videos. Believe it or not, I had a better experience with iPhoto, and that wasn’t terrific.

Would love to have her as a guest on a future MPU episode!


Katie was - especially the last few years - completely swept away by the quite dominant @MacSparky.


I often wonder if a more powerful Mac would improve my experience. I have a MacBook Pro (the first of the butterfly keyboard ones, alas) that is pretty powerful, and I had the same experience with a pretty strong iMac as well. Would an iMac Pro make any difference?

This isn’t contrary, but I really appreciate MPU’s lack of politics. I follow politics closely elsewhere, but this place is a sanctuary from all that—unlike other Apple-related podcasters I also listen to…


Same here – more or less. I follow politics but it’s not what I’m here for.

The exception would be when Apple inserts itself into politics. But even there it might be appropriate to keep it out of this forum.


Another vote for Katie as a guest on the podcast just to check in with her and hear what she’s up to – and what tech she’s using.


Katie was great. @ismh86 does well, I find him relatable. He is a solid replacement. We all miss Katie.

I am not a user of Text Expander, Shortcuts, or OmniFocus. I am slow to get on board with home automation. It helps to have a wife who doesn’t care as much for technology.

  1. Shortcuts has more features than benefits.
  2. Cloud storage is a perfectly fine backup for most people.
  3. It’s a waste of time, energy and resources to store utility bills and bank statements

Seconded by myself at least and my wife with a vengence. I have to say she stopped listening much after Katie left. She says “Two Davids”.


I agrree Mitch. We have a good crowd here. There has been an occasion recently it came close to a line for me though. John Gruber spent a whole show on the matter and I am grateful to him he did. I am glad we are not just ‘fan boys and girls’

As @Wolfie has argued though, rightly in my view, there is always a political element to what we do.

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[quote=“suderman, post:155, topic:14810, full:true”]
And I miss Katie.[/quote]

Me, too. Besides bringing a feminine viewpoint, she also provided contrasts for Mac vs iPad, Disneyland vs Disney World, California vs Florida, and Star Wars vs Star Trek. As silly as it might have been at times, half the podcasts now seem to be boring.


To be clear: I enjoyed the podcast when Katie was co-host. I continue to enjoy it now with @ismh86


Another vote for Katie as a guest. But I second @MitchWagner, I also enjoy @MacSparky and @ismh86.


Gang. @katiefloyd is doing great but with this phase of her life, she doesn’t want to do any podcasting.


Dad’s here! Everyone be cool.