What are your most contrary MPU opinions?

LOOOOOOOL. love the comment haha

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Yes I think it is my favorite. Some others now come close. It is my favorite Tech one with John Gruber’s close behind though they have a different format and that is good. Only tech ones I listen to now really. At one time it was my favorite by a mile though, the changes are as much in me as in the podcast, I became more and more expert with Macs I guess and there is less to ‘learn’ now.

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I enjoyed The Phantom Menace

My son was the same age I was when I saw Star Wars (No “A New Hope” then) and it was a great bonding experience
Jar Jar was no more annoying then C-3PO
Duel of the Fates is a great score
The light sabre battle at the end was mind blowing after the fights in the original films. Jedi at their prime rather than two old men fighting or an experienced Luke Skywalker


That’s the most contrary opinion I read here so far😅


Based on a suggestion from @WayneG, I’m now using another app to get my MPU notifications. Wayne suggested Apple Podcasts, but I opened that app and it seemed like too much hassle.

However, I use Inoreader as an RSS reader, and Inoreader can be configured to provide mobile notifications in a variety of circumstances. One of those is to send a notification any time a new item is added to a feed. So I configured Inoreader to do that and now I’ll receive a notification when there’s a new MPU episode available.

I set that up yesterday – but haven’t had a chance to test it because MPU is apparently taking a well deserved week off!

I was previously using Inoreader to let me know when Light Reading publishes one of my artlcles, which means I need to start promoting it on social media but otherwise my work on that article is done.

This is my favorite imac ever


Amen! Still something so great about it.

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Dark mode is overrated and certainly not worth the exclamation points that frequently follow it in developers’ release notes. “NOW WITH DARK MODE!!! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

Automation IS complicated. No matter how many times we hear “It’s not that complicated,” it’s still complicated. Complicated things can be worth learning (and that’s sure been the case for me), but Shortcuts and Keyboard Maestro are not simple. Even the iOS Home app takes a little thinking. And that’s okay.


I agree with you really. Though, as folk here know I am a Keyboard Maestro fan. I found that there is a lot of utility there even if one stays away from the full more powerful but complicated features. I found Shortcuts so complicated that I gave up on it. It was quicker to just open Ulysses on ios for example.

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The motor vehicle registry in NSW, Australia used them for a decade https://delimiter.com.au/2013/02/15/the-nsw-rtas-imacs-lasted-a-full-decade/


Can I ask which episode you’re referring to?

I imagine this one:



Hazel is good. Automation tools are great indeed. I love Mac. Would love to have a hackintosh machine.


Vis-à-vis that really long Fantastical thread: “Rockin’ stock.”


I have had Quicksilver installed on every Mac I use since I first heard about it via Merlin Mann’s 43 Folders. Never tried Alfred or Launchbar. I think it was Merlin Mann who said it made him feel like he had a neural interface with his Mac, and I still feel the same way.

qsapp.com for the win!

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I’ve long since switched to Alfred, but had nothing against Quicksilver and loved it. I actually thought it had gone out of production long ago, and that’s why I dropped it, but maybe that’s my memory playing tricks on me.

I had one. It was in use for 11 years. Then it was used as a music player for several more years. I looked into putting a Mac mini in it but the wiring was beyond me. Ended up selling it for $300.

I still have mine. Along with my Amiga 1000, I consider it a ground-breaking machine.

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Lastest contrarian opinion

OmniFocus, Agenda, and other note-taking/task management/calendaring apps are essentially just implementing features that have been in org-mode for years, some over a decade.

Edit: corrected “decades” because org-mode began in 2003.


I have been playing with org mode recently and am quite delighted at how powerful it is - I have only been using it as an outliner. But, as rumours of subscriptions loom ahead, I wonder it is worth using as a task manager.

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