What keyboard shortcut should I use for a custom task?

I’m about to start with Alfred and will need some keyboard shortcuts. Silly question, but how should I choose - which ones are not used, less important etc.?

Might be overkill, but for those kinds of things I have capslock set up as a “hyper key” that presses command + option + ctrl + shift so that I’m guaranteed that capslock + any-key-I-choose won’t conflict with an existing shortcut. Some info on how to do that:

Or it can also be done in BetterTouchTool if you have that:

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The app Hyperkey is another free option.

To see the keyboard shortcuts in use, albeit only for the currently active application, I know of two tools, the free KeyClu and the paid KeyCue (currently 33% off).

Of the two I use KeyCue and I use Karabiner for setting up a hyper key.

Enjoy Alfred.

For example, the default in Raycast to get to clipboard manager is opt-command-C, but this is also the Copy Format command in Pages etc.

So I am wondering which is best to keep and which to change if I use them both?

Would recommend Karabiner for key remapping for the most reliable experience. I went down the same rabbit hole a few months ago.

Only you can answer that question for you.

Consider which you use or will use most often. Is one already in muscle memory?

And are you using Alfred and Raycast?