What’s your new favorite calendar app?

I have this calendar, with weeks starting on Monday as well (landscape). Putting up the one in December is part of my year-end ritual, writing birthdays, vacations, and “big rocks” or milestone events. It’s posted right above my monitor so I see it probably thousands of time a year. I love digital, but there is something special about having these important dates in view and seeing “the big picture” as @bowline put it.

As an aside, I started doing this about 15 years on the advice of an instructor in a business planning course, but it wasn’t exactly business advice. He suggested always keeping your personal priorities at the forefront, and to let your “business fund your lifestyle.” I’ve since shared his advice (and the wall calendar idea) in countless classes and programs all around the country :slight_smile:

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There really is a tangible benefit to having some things in tactile, paper form, always visible. I shared this link a few days ago, relevant here too:

I have been using Calendar 366 too for some time. But the problem with that app is that it uses the Apple db as a source. And I can’t use that anymore since Apple decided to move away from standards-compliant CalDAV for reminders.

So now it’s either Fantastical or BusyCal. Using Fantastical (in non-subscription V2 legacy mode) for now. And it serves me well.

My new favourite calendar app is…the Mac OS Calendar app…

It is good enough for me…

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It works fine for me. In fact Calendar 366 gets its calendar data from Apple Calendar, which itself mere subscribes to my Google Calendars.

The big problem with this app for me is that it’s a menu bar app that I use to replace the clock, but in Big Sur the Apple menu bar clock is the one-clock gateway to the widgets and Notifications.

I’ll miss that font/color configurability of the clock.

Things, it displays entries in Today :slight_smile:

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The issue is that Reminders from Catalina onwards doesn’t sync with standards-compliant CalDAV anymore. So any application that’s based on the macOS Calendar/Reminders database is useless for Reminders if you don’t use iCloud.

Anyway, Fantastical does the job. And if they decide to make it truely subscription-only, there’s still BusyCal.

Maybe I’m not understanding your point but that sounds a little like saying Apple phones are useless if you don’t use electricity. :bulb: Who isn’t using iCloud?

My point is that the app can’t be used as designed in Big Sur because the clock is being commandeered by Apple.

I am not using iCloud. Nor Dropbox, OneDrive or what have you. Everything syncs through selfhosted services. So for my calendar and reminders I’m using a CalDAV server. Also practical if you want to, or need to, sync your calendars and reminders/tasks to an Android phone e.g.

Huh. I just use Google Calendar, which feeds into the Apple ecosystem - easier than manual webDAV sync. Anyway, I’m hoping Calendar 366 updates into a full-blown Mac app once Big Sur kills its menubar clock functionality.