What to do with an old iMac

We have an old iMac in our warehouse (late 2013, so old there is no trade in value with Apple) that is being replaced with a shiny new one.

I’m looking for ideas as to how to use/reuse/repurpose this computer. Let’s see what ideas you have!

If you want to get your hands dirty, converting it into a general external display is a fun project!


Installing something like GNU/Llinux or FreeBSD will breathe new life into it and you’ll have a current, supported OS as well.

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A slide projector. For a business it can be used in receptionist waiting rooms for clients or in break rooms for employees. In the home it makes a large picture frame. This use doesn’t even need Internet access (a plus!).

Other possibilities include music players and other streaming services.

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I’m seriously looking at repurposing my old 2013 iMac into a CalDAV and CardDAV server running some form of Linux for my own sync for calendars and contacts since I can’t get Apple Sync to work for calendars at all. My only glitch at the moment is where to put it.

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Completely random, but I would love MPU to do a show or part of a show with you. The stuff you are doing sounds so interesting, what with the programming, obsidian and the farming.

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I have an even older one (2012) happily running 24 hours a day, every day, using Weathercat to run an online weather station.

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Mac Power Users #470: From Computing to Sheep Farming, with Oogie McGuire - Relay FM From 17 February 2019


A lot has changed in my system since then. But the sheep are still the same. :sheep: :ram: except I now have some white ones too.


I use an old Mac Mini with a bunch of external storage as a file, media, and backup server. While it could be done with a Synology, I like having only one OS environment to support.

Thank you - I had missed that. I am not the avid listener I once was.I do enjoy it when members of the forum are on the show

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Where can I go to klearn how to do that?

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I’m running OpenCore on a 2014 Mac mini, and it runs Ventura just great! Waiting for the update to Sonoma…


For both FreeBSD and GNU/Linux I’d recommend doing a web search based on the Mac hardware you own.

After doing some preliminary research you may find that the folks on the FreeBSD forums - https://forums.freebsd.org/ - to be helpful with specific questions.

Based on the GNU/Linux distribution you’re interested in, I suspect there are discussion forums for those as well where you can find assistance.

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