What to do with: Storage system check exit code is 65. Storage system verify or repair failed. : (-69716)

I get the following error message when trying first aid on my disk. It is a Time Machine disk.

Storage system check exit code is 65.
Storage system verify or repair failed. : (-69716)

Is the disk failing or has Time Machine corrupted the disk?

What do I do now?

I had this recently on a drive. Didn’t document the exact steps I used to recover.

Here’s what I would do:

  • Boot into recovery mode by holding ⌘ R while rebooting.
  • Run Disk Utility
  • Change the view to show all devices
  • Try running First Aid on each of the items associated with the drive, Volume(s), Container(s), and Device

I think that last step was the secret sauce in my situation, as it failed on (maybe) the Volume, but running on the Device fixed it (or vice-versa).

Disk Utility ref at Apple

I’ve heard an encrypted drive might complicate things, but no need to borrow tomorrow’s troubles.

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