What's the best iPad Keyboard for iPad 10?

I’m considering Swift 360 Keyboard from MaveMall. Should I go for it or Logitech Combo Touch?

I’d recommend the Logitech Combo touch if you’re not going with an apple solution.

I’m not aware of the Swift 360


This is Swift 360 Keyboard from MaveMall.

That website doesn’t seem to offer an option for the iPad 10, lots of other models, but not that one.

I’d want to try any keyboard and trackpad before committing that sort of money. The Logitech is good though.

I would recommend the Apple Magic Keyboard. It is excellent.

The iPad 10th edition only has the Keyboard Folio, not the Magic Keyboard, and it’s still £279. I know Apple keyboards are good, but I wouldn’t pay that much for one.

That is what I was referring to. It was expensive but I use one with an iPad Pro and it is very good. It is actually called the Apple Magic Keyboard Folio.

Me too. If not the K380, then the Apple Magic Keyboard (for Macs). Though a bit pricier, the keyboard will probably outlast the iPad (and its form factor) itself. I also don’t have to build up separate muscle memory for a smaller keyboard.

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Ya this is what I use on my iPad 8, a little bulky, but the kickstand is really helpful and sturdy. Trackpad is a liiiiitle small, but doable. I just need to use the touchscreen more while I’m using the keyboard.

I purchased the Swift 360 Keyboard and it’s amazing. It has more functions than Apple’s Magic Keyboard and the best part is it doesn’t require constant charging.
Highly recommend getting it.
here’s the link if you want it - Swift 360 Keyboard | Rotatable iPad Keyboard Case – MaveMall

Anyone here get the Swift 360 for the 6th gen iPad Mini?