What's your favorite app that even Apple power users don't know about, but should?

Uhhhhhhh, Alfred? /s

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Anything from Ironic Software… I have been using Yep every day as a way to organize my documents, from Pages and Word to PDF… a wonderful resource. I would also recommend Circles for Zoom, as a great way to break up the Zoom Fatigue


On my work computer, where I’m not able to use built-in Calendar services, I use a menu bar app called ItsyCal to display a date icon, and a drop-down calendar just to see dates. (It can work with macOS Calendar services, but Google Calendar is where my actual schedule is, and I don’t know of a menu bar app that my IT department will let me use with it…)

A “new” power user tool (runner up Upgradie for Best Newcomer Mac app) is Service Station, which I find invaluable, even if it’s mostly a better Open With tool.


Looks handy!

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Sketchpad. It used to be called Geometer’s Sketchpad.

I have found this app to be fascinating.

  1. It is deceptively simple.
  2. It has a beautiful interface.
  3. It is useful for design work that I do
  4. If is very “different”

90% of the work is done with this small toolbar. What makes it different from the usual design tools is that when you “draw a circle” you are not creating a “static picture of a circle” rather you are creating a “circle” defined by a center point and a radius. It forever retains that identity as a circle and can be altered as a circle. Similarly lines or line segments. When you draw a “perpendicular” line, to some other line, it forever retains that definition. If the “other” line is moved or altered, the “perpendicular” line changes so as to preserve its definition as a “perpendicular” line.

The software mimics the classic tools of a compass and a straight edge. Its simplicity belies the extraordinary things that you can create. It is marketed for geometry students (i.e. the education market) but that unnecessarily restricts the compass of this extraordinary app and keeps it off the radar of the general educated public. There are other free products dealing with geometric concepts that are more sophisticated and much more complex and less approachable. It is the fundamental simplicity of this app that makes it so intriguing to me.

The beta is now free to download. I would highly recommend that anyone remotely curious about graphic tools or geometry spend a little time to get to know it. When I design things intended for the real world, I often use this tool to help me visualize the product or more commonly some small detail of the project.


Metadatics for tagging music files (mp3, flac, etc) and helping keep my music looking good. I am a bit OCD about having the album cover I want and the meta data just right so always run MP3 files through this before importing into Music.

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Thanks for this.

M1 MBAir, Ipad Air4, iphone. other macs scattered about.

30+ year trial lawyer with decent-to-advanced power user kung fu. my main limitation is time and energy. i’m a tech expert in nothing, but can make anything work, if that makes sense. give me duct-tape.

as of a few weeks ago i’m reno-ing my office. i got rid of staff; its just me.

*building a contact manager in filemaker. most shelf products suck.
*using DT is case management. shelf lawyer-specific systems suck.
*automating various printing, etc. very beginning phases of this.
*probably going to build my own ipad app for court. currently i use whatever pdf reader i’m into at the moment.

i’ve needed this very type of program. much appreciated.

i need a jam up clipboard manager. i’ve tried a few, Paste most of all. Its good, but seems to lose its settings on retained items.

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3 apps that get nary a mention on this forum are -

  1. Hammerspoon
  2. imapfilter
  3. Geektool


This utility is up there with BTT and Keyboard Maestro and I use it through out the day.

  • With Hammerspoon and Hyper + Key bindings, I never need to use the command tab to switch to most often used apps.
  • The use case that best highlights its usefulness (at least for me ) -
    I have music playing through out the day. @ Home, I play Pandora through Sonos and while away from home, I play Pandora on the laptop. Through out the day, I’m either play/pausing or thumbs up , thumbs down a song if it catches my attention. The killer feature for me was being able to send keys to the app without bringing the app to the foreground.
    Now , the same set of keyboard shortcuts works when I’m playing Pandora through Sonos. In this case, I’m interacting with the Sonos API for play/pause and using KM scripts for Thumbs Up or Down. The way this works is Hammerspoon figures out whether I’m connected to my home wifi (interact with Sonos) or outside (interact with pandora)
    After the recent acquisition of Stream Deck, I now have the keys mapped to Hammerspoon URLs
  • Switch to saved Desktop layouts (a la Moom )


This is the workhorse that sorts and files my work emails.
Uses -

  • Filter out any emails from senders not in my add book to a different folder
  • Sort known newsletter emails to different folders (list/linkedin, list/broadcasters etc)
  • Auto delete emails ( 3 months or older ) from newsletters folders

Combining imapfilter with smart folders on Mailmate has been a huge timesaver and productivity booster for me.


The dashboard that gives me an overview of all things important

  • My tasks from Things “Today” show up on the laptop screen ( I have a main monitor)
  • My upcoming appointments show up (with the past appoinments rolling off )
  • My current track with Thumbs Up/Down showing (when using Sonos)
  • The Photo of the day from Unsplash
  • The weather for my location

I can’t imagine working without these tools. Other must haves get ample billing here ( KM, Things, Hazel, Fantastical, Alfred …)



MoneyWiz for financials / accounts / cryptocurrency. I always see Banktivity talked about or YNAB. This app is great and has a subscription or a one time purchase option.


ECamm Call Recorder for recording Skype interviews. Noisli for background sounds if I need to block sounds in the environment. Everyday for taking one of those movies of your selfie over time.

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As it happens, I’m just beginning to play around with geektool, hologram, and Übersicht. Do you have a favorite online resource for geektool newbies?

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I use this GeekTool
Most of my geeklets are just shell scripts. There used to be a central repository but now I can’t find it. Between Geektool and Ubersicht I’ve found Geektool much easier to use.