It seems to be one of them days.
Where am I going wrong here??
I have a similar setup. Mine requires that the adapter is connected to the iPad and powered up before I select the proper input on the monitor.
Thanks WayneG!
I do have power supply plugged into a 110v (working) outlet. Unplugged it to get everything in the photo. Apple HDMI Adapter plugged into working 2017 iPad Pro, running the latest stable Release of OS. Apple power cable from Apple adapter to Anker 30W power supply. HP supplied HDMI cable from Apple adapter to monitor.
Monitor reads no signal.
(Y’all overlook my workspace. Under construction here.)
Have you tried a different HDMI cable yet? I had a similar problem with a cable that works just fine but not with my 2018 iPad Pro. Tried another HDMI cable and that did the trick.
Sorry if this sounds dumb, but did you check if you selected the right input on the monitor
Nope, not tried a different HDMI cable yet. Just unboxed this thing. I recon I need to order a different cable to test the idea.
MacExpert, I don’t believe there ever IS a dumb question, but yes, I first set it to HDMI, then Auto Select, and even grasping at straws, set it to VGA. I am gonna get on the phone with HP later today and see if they have a magic solution. I was hoping that it was something very simple that I had overlooked in my haste.
I’d really try another (thinner) HDMI cable.
I’ve found that sometimes it seems the resistance in thicker cables seems to prevent the signal to remain strong enough. Don’t know why or how, but a thinner cable usually works better in these situations.
Interesting JKoopmans! I will try this. Researching who has the better cables now.
Try to manually select the HDMI port so you know for sure that its “connected”.
Well, HP was ZERO help. Actually quite rude. Nearly impossible to get on the phone, (they have-to send you a Case number and a phone number to call.) Then the very broken English support person told me to connect my HDMI cable to the VGA “place on the back of the monitor”. After i told her that was not possible, she had me send to her a picture of where i had it plugged into the back of the monitor. After her several attempts to get me to plug the HDMI cable into the VGA Port, she dropped back to her failsafe. Does the monitor power up? Yes ma’am. Then it is working as intended. If you need future support, we have a department that charges $$$$ to help you. No thanks Ma’am. I will try a different HDMI cable as suggested here on this forum, and if that doesn’t work, i will send it all back to where i purchased it from.
Yeah HP shighhh other then their networking stuff I am not touching their products with a 10ft pole. Yes, this includes their printers!
Really sad to read that article. Thanks for sharing it. Once upon a time, HP was strong, and had mostly good products. It is obvious by the comment made in the article, that they have lost their focus, and the direction they are trying to go, (increase shareholder value), is a losing game to play. As soon as a blimp happens in the money game, and it always does, the shareholders will dump the company and run.
Today, was the first time in many years that I have tried to contact HP. I can honestly say, it was not a pleasant experience, nor one that I will ever intentionally put myself into again with them. If you don’t build and maintain brand loyalty, you just have a warehouse full of unsalable product.
I ordered a new HDMI cable as recommended, (thanks), and decided, what the hey, I ordered another HDMI Adapter too. They came in yesterday while I was away having surgery. A neighbor laid them on my desk in my house. Felt semi foggy awhile ago, so I hooked it up. We have a winner!! (And the concern ended up being the HDMI Adapter.)