When do you listen to podcasts?

So I’m curious when people listen to podcasts. I’m right now looking for work. I tend to listen to podcasts while cleaning, doing mindless tasks (going through emails, cooking, etc). I find that when I’m trying to concentrate on a task like writing for example I can’t listen to podcasts and have to listen to music or have silence. Wondering when other people listen to podcasts.

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I listen to podcasts during my daily run.


While cleaning the house.


During my morning walk. And occasionally I set a timer and listen as I fall asleep.

I can’t listen whilst reading or concentrating on something which requires active thinking.

I listen when commuting, any other driving, walking, running, walking the dog, washing up, hanging washing out…

I miss my daily 2 hour commute.


When I am out for brisk walking (it’s like running but much less tiring :grin:)


When I’ve run out of other things to do. Which is not often.

Mostly to wind down at night, while cleaning, while exercising, and while driving. I go long periods where I want to fill that time with music, too.

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Cooking, cleaning, walking, and driving. (When no one else is in the room)

Like a lot of people here I listen to podcasts while exercising, or tidying, sometimes while preparing food. Also when gardening :slight_smile:

I found I am much better at skipping podcasts these days – far less of a completionist.

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Right now, and for probably the past year, I listen to two podcasts and they are just regular folks with podcasts, not highly produced. I listen to them while I cook. One is 1-1.5 hours and the other is typically 30 minutes. I listen to the long one in parts across the week and the 30 minute one on Fridays. I am quite happy with this routine.

When I’m flying or driving a long distance, I will listen to stuff w/high production value and really interesting, driving storylines.

Every weekday during my run and every weekend day during my walk. (And also when driving long distances on my own)

Dog walks and car driving (commute).

For the last twelve weeks it’s been on my daily walk and when cleaning up around the house, but I used to listen during commutes and when driving.

My exercise is brisk walks. I listen then. Also, while driving — which I did not do all that often even before the pandemic — and while doing chores.

When cooking, cleaning, ironing shirts and showering.

In recent times, its been, my apple watch with pocket casts watch app listening to The Daily during my afternoon walks watching the sunset… It’s become one of my favourite things to do.

I enjoy walking without the iPhone.

Can’t say I really miss my (daily) 3 hour commute. But it was the only moment I listed to podcasts. When I’m at home I prefer to listen to music.

Right now I ‘listen’ to podcasts before going to sleep. But I must admit that I usually don’t pick up more than 5 minutes before I fall asleep.

  1. On my daily commute to work (not for the last 3 months due to WFH, but starting back a couple of days per week now). I am one of the lucky ones as I only have 20 minutes each way.
  2. When mowing the lawn
  3. Occasionally when doing groceries, if I remember to take my AirPods with me!
  • Mainly while driving alone. Harder to listen if others are in the car with me.
  • Sometimes while cooking, again if I am alone.
  • Exercising is a bit tricky. I have found that my intensity is better when I listen to music. So I listen to podcasts on walks or light exercise days, but not on running or strength training days.