As a certified weightlifting and fitness coach I’m not a huge fan of those 7 minute workout apps. They overpromise and underdeliver. Most of them fall short in one crucial aspect: progression. If your program doesn’t have a challenging progression your body will adapt too quickly and results will unavoidably stall. And if you don’t see any results after a few weeks you’ll stop following the routine, due to the lack of motivation.
It also sounds, as if you want to do those exercises as the first thing in the morning. Depending on your weight, age, fitness level that might not be the best idea. You would at least need to warm up with some form of brisk walk/light jog best paired with some alternating movements (step variations) and shoulder/arm/wrist circles and light jumps etc. to warm up your joints. And then the 7min. promise already falls short.
That you just have to invest 7 minutes fitted well with our “magic bullet for a quick fix” seeking society. That you will actually stay in shape and healthy with just 7 min. of time investment is basically just a “myth” created by mainstream media, which—as per usual—misinterpreted studies.
The general idea got really popular after a journal article from 2013 made it’s rounds: “HIGH-INTENSITY CIRCUIT TRAINING USING BODY WEIGHT: Maximum Results With Minimal Investment”. It’s just an article that summarizes assumptions and only makes a training routine suggestion. It is not a well-design study that was conducted with subject groups that could draw any conclusion that the 7min. workout is actually holding up to the claims that media made.
If you check the references of that article nowhere the concept of a 7min. workout was actually tested. Take this study from the references for example: “High-intensity aerobic interval training increases fat and carbohydrate metabolic capacities in human skeletal muscle.”. What did they test? “[W]e investigated skeletal muscle and whole-body metabolic adaptations that occurred following 6 weeks of HIIT (~1 h of 10 x 4 min intervals at ~90% of peak oxygen consumption (VO2 peak), separated by 2 min rest, 3 d.week-1).”
So 6 weeks with 3 training days per week with a HIIT session of 1h per training day.
I thought 7min. was enough? 

The article itself, which most of media referenced and also the early startups/apps took as an incentive (not mentioning the countless copycats) to base their promises on, concludes previous studies and suggests that a full-body workout should be used instead of just sprints. The main proposition of the article is to suggests a circuit of full body exercises, whcih can be done in the HIIT (high intensity interval training) method. They suggest 30s all-in exercise and 10s of rest. You’ll end up at around 7-8min. with 11-12 exercises. Nowhere it is stated that this is the only exercise you should do.
Especially does that not include the aforementioned warm-up and it does not include that you need progression to overcome adaptation in the long run. The only room for that, as suggested, would be to do the circuit again. So It’s 5-10min. warm-up + 8min. circuit #1 + some rest in between (2-5min. depending on your fitness level) + 8min. circuit #2 + rest afterwards.
You easily end up with 30-45min. for two to three circuits. And I see diminishing returns, if you go through it three times or more, because of accumulating fatigue and building up critical levels of lactate, due to the high intensity style.
Also the promise of actually going “all-in” to see the benefits of HIIT/HICT has to be taken with a grain of salt. HIIT style workouts burn more calories for the short duration they require as steady state cardio and they can have some form of “afterburner” effect, but they are not suitable for everyone. Again this highly depends on your weight, age, fitness level. I think they are not suitable for beginners or those that want to get this as their only form of movement in their day to investment the least time possible.
Don’t get me wrong, it surely is better than doing nothing. But I’ve had clients that reported from their previous attempts that they’ve gotten severe wrist, shoulder and knee issues. The reasons were doing exercises like this at high intensity not properly warmed up, first thing in the morning with too much body weight and bad form.
If you want a sustainable exercise habit (assuming beginner level that otherwise does not get a lot of exercise), I would suggest the following:
Start small. Beginn the day with a brisk walk around the block or through a park. It’s best if you can get some stairs and hills to climb in and if you either have a short circuit that you can repeat easily on. Start with just 5min. daily, if exercising is new to you. And extend that by 1min. every week. If you get bored do some step variations, like walking sideways, backwards, light jumps etc. If you’ve reached 15min. and successfully built the habit of doing this daily in the morning deliberately cut it down to 10min. and increase the speed a bit. If you reach 15min. again, cut it down to 10min. and increase the speed again. Repeat until the speed is so high that you feel a light jog would be easier.
Always stick with the 5min. of brisk walking and then implement a 5min. jog. Again work yourself up to 15min. again. Or play with run variations (jumps, sprints etc.). Keep those step variations in, add some shoulder/arm/wrist circles, while you do it. Looks ridiculous, but really helps to start the day.)
The final goal would be to have built a sustainable habit of leaving the house daily in the morning for a brief walk/run that takes not longer than 20min and doesn’t require you to drive to a gym.
It is the perfect start that doesn’t tire you out for the rest of the day, it won’t push you to your aerobic limits (stress), as a morning HIIT/HICT workout will do.
If your job allows for it the HICT workout is better suited in a lunch break (again don’t forget the warm up). Or do this after your work day. At least at that time of the day your joints will be warmed up from your daily movements and enough synovia (basically the “grease” in your joints) will have been mobilized to decrease the risk of a high intensity workout. Again don’t forget the warm-up. (So realistically this will take you at least 15min. for one circuit + changing into workout clothes etc.)
But honestly joining a gym for a quick 45min. full body machine and dumbbell workout 2-3 times per week will be more efficient as a beginner. If you want to take it more seriously split muscle groups into two workout days and go 3x per week. For barbell lifting beginners I would recommend Stronglifts 5x5. However with minor alterations.
Hit me up if you need help with this