Why/How to Use the Daily Note?

What a wonderfully thoughtful and thorough reply, thank you! If my handwriting wasn’t so bad I’d write more but as it is I often struggle to read my own handwriting. I’ve typed for too many years. :slight_smile:

Haha I understand. Those of us in the medical profession have the option of asking a pharmacist to decrypt :joy:


The Daily Note feature single handedly got me into Craft!
Usually I log the actions I do while managing my projects (trade) and these daily notes are perfect for a one line summary of my actions along with a link to the actual project document/page.

I was using Drafts with wiki-links earlier for this but it was a hassle having to create backlinks every time, never mind that the Areas weren’t exactly built with this back and forth in mind. Notion was really good at this too, but the electron app and web view were annoying and eventually lack of offline was a total no-go for what was being considered as an essential tool.

So a few days later, I pretty much love everything about Craft.
I thought the style and actions editors were confusing on iOS at first, but it’s second nature now and I love the easy to access deep links and robust export options.
I pretty much live in this app now, haha.

I use DayOne as my primary (personal) journal, but recently have started exporting stuff right out of Crafts into the Work journal too. Only toggle lists don’t translate well (non-markdown spec, and DayOne doesn’t have them yet, period).

Question for all of you: do you prefer keeping Spaces in the Craft cloud, or external storage (and which)?
I would prefer external storage, as most would, but it’s already a few features behind and probably will continue to lag. External doesn’t support the calendar tab or daily notes yet, so I’m on the Cloud. Hope E2EE comes soon.

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Late to this, but me too. I am continually impressed with how accurate the Apple pencil recognition is on my scribbles. In fact I am contemplating a daily note/journal that I write on my iPad and then move over to Obsidian as a typewritten file. Goodnotes has about an 85-90% recognition of my scribbles but things that use the apple version of text recog. directly are getting close to 98% accurate. Playing with potential scribbled to text notes is on my someday/maybe list as something to explore.


Some time on, Logseq seems to have settled into a nice product. I think the outliner format is a good one for interstitial journalling and I’m just going to use it for that at the moment.

  • Time
    • Description of activity
  • Time
    • Description of activity

Images/PDFs etc can be uploaded too.

Big upside: it’s free, and it stores data as markdown locally, so can be indexed in Devonthink. It also supports a template (which I don’t currently use). Simple, in that you just start typing each day.

Downside: no mobile app yet, although I keep the files on iCloud so it’s easy enough to edit markdown with another app should I feel the need.