Wooshy App - Search/Return instead of Mouse

so there’s been a couple of updates on this. but ultimately i’ve decided to use a private API to bypass the Screen Recording permissions. we’re doing it now à la Apple. this could break in the future, but it still works under Ventura. so now, with v2.0.0, you just need the AX permissions. if you gave them to Alfred, then you’re good to go out of the box.

edit: README has been updated accordingly.

oops. Screen Recording still required to get windows names hmm. i’ll have to update the README again for now. maybe a way would be to go through all the windows of all the running apps through the AX APIs. that would prevent the use of the Screen Recording and also it might allow for getting the minimized windows. gonna explore.


2.1.0 out: Release 2.1.0 · godbout/WooshyWindowToTheForeground · GitHub

you’ll now get an Alfred Result specific to granting permissions if they haven’t been.

Wow thanks for the tip! I’ve been using Vimac for so long and its bee so smooth that I often forget the apps name :smiley:

Thus I didn’t notice the dev had moved onto something better. I just downloaded it and would be happy to start paying them to improve the app. I already found that you can now use it to keyboard select windows as well as text!

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@godbout just released a really handy new feature called The Inspector. Here’s the YT teaser

Now I just need to learn to use kindaVim properly and live the good keyboard-centric life.

BTW, the song on this video’s soundtrack is awesome.