Workflow / app question - Personal website dashboard / launcher for frequently-used sites ...?

There are probably a couple dozen sites I use on a regular basis. Not enough that I need to have them in their own apps or anything, not enough that I really want to pin tabs (mostly for distraction reasons), but enough that it would be nice to have a customizable screen where I could arrange the icons by group, launch them in their own windows / tabs, etc.

I realize I could probably do it with a bookmark menu and folders, but I’m kind of hoping for something more like the various grid-based launchers for iOS, or the Launchpad in macOS.

Anybody have any suggestions?

As long as I’m at 24 sites or less, that could definitely work. I’ll play around with it.

I know there’s also always the option of me custom-coding a webpage, but sometimes it’s just nice to be able to drop some stuff into an existing tool without having to hack around in code. :smiley:

What I like about Bookmarks-Bar folders is that with a Command-click you can launch everything inside one. I have folders for deals-site, Mac-stuff, my individual Amazon wishlists (which I periodically check for price-drops), and others, and I’ll mass-open related, regularly-used sites. It’s built-in and free.



Ah, that’s pretty slick. Let me futz with that - I don’t even think I have a bookmarks bar that normally shows up. :slight_smile:
