Workflow workflow for selecting images and sending them in a message

I hate that iOS doesn’t have a recent contacts list when sendin messages. I talk pictures of my daughter and message them to my wife. Every time I have to start typing her name. I’d like an extension to select that will send her the selected image(s). I still haven’t figured out how to do this with workflow. Can you show me how!?

Create an Action Extension that only accepts images, then add a Send Message action with your wife’s address.

My wife and I use a shared album in iCloud Photos for this, though, which keeps Messages a lot less cluttered.

You could start with something like this. In the last step, enter your wife’s contact info.


Just as another example, I have this Workflow workflow set up for a couple of family members. I mail the images rather than message them as it tends to be more obvious to manage size wise (people manage mails more than messages when it comes to archiving) and it requires no confirmation to send.

View long screenshot


We’ve never done shared because they aren’t full resolution. That seems to have changed with new iOS.