Chasing the highest specs on any hardware is fine if you have the budget or need for it or simply want it.
With networking, it is worthwhile to remember that there is a big difference between local network (in your home and the WAN network (public Internet).
For local network, as others mentioned, you will need to insure all your network gear is upgraded to 2.5 GBit or 10 GBit Ethernet wire and speeds if you want to benefit from higher speeds between devices within your home. (Currently, the only need I’ve seen is for huge capacity local drives backing up to a local NAS array).
For most software, data is read and written in smaller blocks, so the upgrade in raw speed to 2.5Gbit or 10 Gbit may not provide a significant improvement in actual app or processing speeds.
Public Internet servers do not provide bandwidth to downstream clients without limitation. Bandwidth costs money and higher throughput requires more servers and uses more resources.
Just because one has a higher speed ISP connection doesn’t mean that your DropBox, iCloud, Backblaze, NetFlix, YouTube, etc. use will be benefit from the full speed of that additional link.
Yes, you will get faster speed, but probably not as much as you think.
The biggest benefit of greater Internet speed for home Internet is supporting more users.
Although, for example, streaming a 4K movie takes around 15mbps to 20 mbps, or less, depending on the streaming service’s compression algorithms, if you have 5 or 10 people in your home all wanting to stream movies at the same time, a higher speed Internet connection will help.
Any individual stream won’t magically go from 20mbps to 100mbps or more, but you will be able to sustain higher overall throughput.
But this comes with a big caveat - consumer grade network gear - Routers, Switches, Wi-Fi, do not have the capacity to support high density traffic. Just because the Ethernet port on the router has been upgraded to 2.5G or 10G, doesn’t mean everything else in the data flow has the ability to actually sustain that level of performance.