WWDC 2019 Keynote thread!

Would an existing Eero 2nd gen be able to update to support HomeKit?

Time will tell. I hope so as I have a 2nd gen eero.

Do we know which devices have A9?

iPhone 6S and later.

Sort of confirms the rumor that A8s and prior aren’t getting upgraded. Guess I need a new iPhone.


That would mean we’re (just) safe here with our 6S and 7. :slight_smile:

Hehe, that cute kid really looked like her dad… That was really sweet :slight_smile:

Nothing iPad-specific yet though…

There you go! Multi-user HomePod!

Wasn’t there a rumor recently that there will be ipadOS?

Don’t have a HomePod here, soo…

WiFi selection from Control Center may be my most used feature!

Did I hear something about Shortcuts? It was so fast… (hope there’s more than the templates)

Here we go…it’s iPad time :grinning:

iPadOS == start of new macOS? hmmm

Slide over just got so much better!

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There we go! :slight_smile: USB drives!


Big upgrades to files. @macsparky should be happy.


Well, desktop-class browsing sounds like it will fix a small annoyance. :slight_smile:

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Looking forward to hearing @MacSparky thoughts on Files :grinning:

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Dragging the cursor is one more sign we are losing Force Touch, I would think?