Your biggest consumer surplus?

Which of your paid software / products / subscriptions give you the biggest consumer surplus?

This discussion got me thinking about this question, as I was recommending NextDNS.

Consumer surplus is the difference between the price you’d be willing to pay, and the price you actually pay.

For example, if you pay $5 per month for something, but you’d actually be willing to pay $20 each month, then the consumer surplus is $15 or 300% I.e. the product is literally worth $15 or 300% more to you than you’re paying.

From all the MPU-relevant things I buy, NextDNS delivers to me the greatest consumer surplus. £1.49pm seems like a steal for blocking ads on all my devices, and protecting my kids’ devices from many nasties. I’d happily pay 5x as much (£7.45) - i.e. a consumer surplus of 400%

FTAoD. I’ve no relationship with NextDNS! I’m just a happy customer and am using it here as a personal example to illustrate consumer surplus. I’m really interested to hear what other MPU-relevant products and services people perceive as delivering them the greatest consumer surplus.

Note: there are threads elsewhere about free products which “should be” paid. In this thread I’m specifically asking about paid/commercial products for which you’d be willing & able to pay more.

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Hmm, it might be NewsBlur ($24/year) or Castro ($19/year.)

Both offer some kind of feed filtering/triage that I really find valuable. My personal demand is inelastic. On an aggregate market level they’re probably fairly priced.

Outside of business/media utilities, it’s probably some game whose price was driven down to a few dollars. The app store pre-subscription era is textbook consumer surplus.

For me it is Logic Pro, from Apple itself. 180€ in 2013 up to this day, with updates every year. Amazing value if you already happen to have a Mac.

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Saving everyone a search:
For the avoidance of doubt


I rarely think in terms of what I would pay for something. Only what I won’t pay for something. If they want to charge me $10 and I’m OK with it, I don’t worry myself with figuring out how I would react to a price rise. I just make the call again if the price goes up.

I rarely think about calculating what I would pay, but I am often gratefully aware of how much more value I’m getting out of something than what I paid for it, particularly when it comes to software.

The Personal Retreat Handbook by @mikeschmitz. The Core Values Exercise gave me the confidence to quit my job and pursue a career that was much more in line with what was important to me.


Aw, thanks @ChrisUpchurch! It’s been awesome to watch your career change, flattered to hear I had a small part in it :smiling_face: