Your Must-Have iPhone Apps List for 2020

I’ll try Grocery. With the pandemic lockdown going, delivery is unreliable 'round these parts and my wife is in a high-risk group so I’m the designated shopper. I’ve been using Anylist but I do not love it.

I’m not sure at all because I always add items with Siri (I have a different reminders list set up for each store that gets automatically synced to Grocery). I never enter items within the app.

I’ve just had a quick look and I think you can only assign an item to one store at a time, I cannot see a functions to assign an item to multiple stores. I have a general “shopping list” for items that I can buy in any general store and others for specific stores which I only go to occasionally. If one of the specialist stores is a supermarket, I just transfer all my general shopping to that list before leaving the house.

FYI this can be done with Anylist.

But lists are stored on their servers as far as I know. I want them only locally or synced via my own WebDAV system.

Most of us don’t. :peace_symbol: Its a fantastic free app, it syncs immediately with family members (if you subscribe), and it has Mac, iOS and Watch apps. And if you have specific, specialized restrictions like WebDAV-only it would help to mention that upfront.

I haven’t tried Grocery, but Paprika is probably the #1 most used most cherished app on my phone these days:

It is what it says on the tin, but it does it so well. Since its pandemic season, I’ve been primarily responsible for meal planning, grocery shopping, and prep. Paprika makes all of this a joy. I particularly like that you can nest recipes within one another, add shopping items from recipes, and calendar a meal plan.

Grocery looks nice, though. Does it do these things?

Edit: Just poked around in it (without Premium). It is sleek and seems to do most of the above, though in different ways from Paprika.

A key difference seems to be iCloud syncing. That’s what Grocery uses. Paprika, instead, uses an account system—this is a huge advantage, because my wife and I can share the account. We therefore have the same grocery list, recipe list, meal plan, etc. I don’t see that kind of “collaboration” ability in Grocery.

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Sorry about that, I thought I’d harped on my anti-cloud feelings so much that no one wanted to have it repeated. :slight_smile:


Have you created a snippet for your rant?:grin:


not yet, I should though :wink:

Or at least save it in Copied or Yoink.

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Apple Music
Data jar
Toolbox pro
Dark Noise

It’s good, on the whole. There are benefits to apps like Textastic, Byword and 1Writer, but they weren’t really compelling enough for me. The complexity of needing an extra app needs to have material benefits, and for me they weren’t there.

Good topic - I’ve had a lot of fun going through checking out new apps. Paprika has been downloaded (mainly for meal planning!) as that’s been a bit of a nightmare during the lockdown!

Anyway, for reference, here are the first 20 apps I install whenI get a new phone:

  • Things3 - To do list
  • Dashlane - Password Manager
  • Google Photos - I just find more intuitive to use than Apple photos
  • Audible - although I’ve just seen BookPlayer above, so will give that a go!
  • Dropbox - For the limitless personal folder of cloud storage I get as part of our work account
  • Monzo - Online bank which holds my current account and joint account with my wife
  • Discourse Hub - more and more of the forums I’m a member of are now running Discourse
  • Dark Sky - Weather app
  • Fantastical - Mainly because it’s the best calendar app I’ve found that runs across iOS and OSX
  • IFTTT - Along with Zapier (no app), this automates larges parts of my process
  • Overcast - current Podcast app of choice, but I’ve never really found one I’m 100% happy with
  • Bear (subscription) - Finally understood the value of a decent writing app and this one was the best fit for me
  • Spark - Current email app, but again I wish I could find one I was 100% happy with
  • Slack - for work communication
  • WhatsApp - I don’t like it, but I’m having to go along with it during the Pandemic
  • Apollo - Best reddit client I’ve found
  • BBC Sport - UK based sports news
  • Infuse - media streaming from my NAS
  • Authy - for 2FA logins
  • Amazon - for quick, easy shopping with just a few clicks

One thing I’m missing though is a decent RSS reader. Does anyone know a decent reader that tracks Google keyword alerts without a subscription? I’m happy to pay a one off fee for it, but just don’t want to be paying a subscription purely for that one feature.


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Grocery is just using lists from Reminders, so I would expect if you share that list, then you have your collaboration. My challenge with Grocery is that it wants to split multI-word items, so i.e. Frozen Corn becomes Corn, with frozen added to the notes field, which is not what I want. Another frustration with Grocery is that, since it auto-sorts based on when you check things off, it gets out of sync if the store is out of items (common now) or if you just want to run in for 1-2 items.

I absolutely love Paprika as a recipe manager, but I’ve found the grocery list could use improvement. I prefer AnyList, of the 3, as a grocery list but I’ve been experimenting with Reminders alone and I’m liking it. I’ve created grocery store categories (produce, meat, etc.) and I’ve created sub-tasks for items in the category. I just choose the option to show completed items when I build my list, and uncheck the items I want to add again.

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Thanks, good to know! I “collaborate” (though it sounds like the worst of the buzzword sins to call it that) with my wife when cooking, too, and it’s really handy to have the same recipes on multiple people’s devices. It even syncs when you’ve scaled a recipe up or down. It’s surprisingly seamless!

What would you like to see differently in the grocery list side?

To keep me relatively on topic, here’s my list from Screen Time:

  • DiscourseHub ('cause y’all are way better than other social media)
  • Paprika
  • Shortcuts
  • Safari
  • DEVONthink
  • Apollo
  • Music
  • Spark
  • WhatsApp
  • Strong
  • Brewmaster (I boil my Bluetooth kettle with this)
  • Messages
  • Fantastical
  • iA Writer

Also, Due keeps myself and my family alive and on time, and Prowl provides a really neat way to pick up notifications from specific Mac activities.

I’m sad about how high up Apollo is. Maybe I’ll uninstall it and block reddit again…