“Zuckerberg trash talks Apple in interview with Joe Rogan”

I was talking about specific things, and you are talking about a broad concept. This is manipulative. I have two gay friends, one of them is my friend for 20+ years. And he e.g. grabbed my ass on the street, as a joke.

I see a difference between him and person who decided to cut his own genitalies. You, it seems, don’t.

Nothing maniuplative here. You’re writing the words yourself.

This is transphobic. It’s also a display of fragile and toxic masculinity.


It’s also a display of fragile and toxic masculinity.

You copy and paste this to everyone you don’t like words of? This is really ridiculous.

This is transphobic.

I am also e.g. a pedophilophobe. Which means I don’t think that having “relationships” with 10-year-old girls is a good idea. Or I don’t agree with people who might want to eat your dead granny.

This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

Wow, this got out of hand. Gonna close it down and I’ve suspended the user who generated so many community flags.