“Zuckerberg trash talks Apple in interview with Joe Rogan”

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg thinks Apple “[hasn’t] really invented anything great in a while” and that it has been coasting off of its past success. “Steve Jobs invented the iPhone and now they’re just kind of sitting on it 20 years later,” he said this week.

Says the guy whose entire business model is to buy up his more innovative competitors.


The entire conversation is available on YouTube, for those that can listen to Mark Zuckerberg for 2 hours and 50 minutes. They start talking about Apple at 2:20.

Zuckerberg doesn’t trash talk Apple as much as he points out how Apple works everything to its advantage. Whether it is best for their customers or not, IMO. Since I am primarily an iPad user these days I tend to agree with much of what he had to say. YMMV

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I don’t know him and I’m sure he’s a very intelligent guy, but he clearly lacks character based on a number of his actions. I have a close friend that was in his inner circle. I think he’s a very weak little man.


He has done far worse things this week…

To still keep it Apple related:


Yep, disgusting. Congratulations to macstories for having the courage to do what I’m sure many won’t.


And profit from other people’s data.


I am glad to see the additional comments. The casual disregard that Zuckerberg and Rogan have for the truth/people is disturbing.

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Really gives me pause on their products sometimes, but I just don’t see how it is possible for me to disentangle myself from FB and Instagram. I like threads, but I’m relatively indifferent what platform I’m on as long as people I follow are there. But FB and Insta help me stay in touch with friends and family all over the world.

This is me, too. I would love to delete my FB account (I don’t use Instagram), but Messenger and WhatsApp are the most convenient way to contact far-flung family members in Europe and North Africa.

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My primary interest is the above statement. I’m curious if you agree or disagree with Zuckerberg‘s assertion.

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I think there’s a certain level of being a sociopath when it comes to Zuckerberg. The massive indifference he has shown to his own repulsive deeds in the past have confirmed it for me. He was even asked in a 60 Minutes interview if he was a sociopath, which he obviously said he wasn’t. I know he’s given to charities, but to me, ethics are what you do when no one is watching.

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Seems like the M-series chips were a pretty big deal. So no, I don’t agree.


I agree with him, but at least, Apple did created something useful in the past. And at least, they continue to maintain it. Meta didn’t.

Apple Insider weighed in on this too, and I think Wesley nailed it.

I asked Meta’s own AI what Apple had innovated or invested in the last 20 years.


I have a number of friends who are LGBT. I can assure you that they are all sane.


Speaking as an LGBTIQA+ person, a therapist, and someone who comes across a great deal of research in this area, it’s harmful rhetoric like this (and worse) that dehumanizes people and contributes to mental distress. Thanks @MevetS, MacStories, and other allies who call out homo, bi, and transphobia.

Back on topic, I liked reading John Gruber’s take:

What’s really rich about Meta and Zuckerberg’s incessant complaining about being restricted by Apple’s rules for third party software on Apple’s platforms is that Meta doesn’t allow third parties any sort of access to their successful platforms. There are no third-party clients for Facebook, Instagram, Threads, or WhatsApp. It is very hard to get any information out of them let alone integrate with them bi-directionally.


This post is a complete waste of time and has quickly gone off the rails. Who cares if anyone agrees or not.


I find the post self-serving and lacking of self-awareness. Facebook has been around for 20 years (not sure how long) and what have they invented? They bought WhatsApp and Instagram and built an imitation Twitter.

Apple has created several new product areas over that period. Some have not had market success (e.g. the Pro-Vision), but besides the iPhone we have the iPad, the watches, the airPods, the M-series chips, a TV and movie streaming service, a large number of software apps, an entire services infrastructure, … most of these things could, individually, support a standalone company.

I am somewhat less of an Apple fan than I was 10 years – I am not thrilled at some of their corporate policies – but overall they make Facebook look like some college project.