Zion National Park is absolutely beautiful and I’d heartily endorse a trip there. The narrows are very cool, but please make sure that’s not the entirety of your trip. There are a lot of beautiful places in the park that will afford quite a bit more solitude that the very popular spots like the narrows or Angel’s Landing.
Yes, good call Chris! And while you are at it, go to Bryce Canyon National Park. No other place like it.
Bryce is great. Only problem is where do you stop? Capitol Reef National Park, Cedar Breaks National Monument, Goblin Valley State Park, Arches National Park, Canyonlands National Park (don’t forget Horseshoe Canyon), Dead Horse Point State Park, Bears Ears National Monument, Natural Bridges National Monument, Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument, Grand Canyon National Park, every one of them more than worth the visit. Not to mention all the fantastic scenery on BLM and Forest Service land. You could easily spend months in southern Utah and northern Arizona.
I thought it was very interesting what Austin explained about the Shortcut that - as I understood it - assigns Halide to a button or tap with the new iPhone 12 Pro Max. Can anyone explain further how to do that?
It’s an accessibility feature. 9to5Mac has a good explanation:
I completely forgot burst mode is a thing. I used to use the heck out of up through last year, for a very narrow purpose: Taking photos of speakers at conferences while they are speaking. Burst mode helped me be sure I had at least one photo where their bodies and faces looked animated.
It’s also good for getting photos of the dog doing zoomies.
I was impressed by some of the talk during the podcast. I really like the images Austin Mann has at his web site. I thought I could learn to take better photos with my iPhone 11 pro, so I signed up for the course…
I came away thinking that I’d seen better hardware and software reviews for free from other people on the web. The course didn’t really show much to me, a novice photographer, about how to set up and take great (or at least better) pictures. I was disappointed in the class as instruction, but did see lots of new toys and apps to use. Just not $99 worth.