I version #1 and #2 once a week, along with Shortcuts and DevonThink Scripts/SmartRules. I do all of it using a clunky Keyboard Maestro macro. Once a week on Friday afternoons everything is exported and committed to GIT.
Keyboard Maestro, in many contexts, does not require much “head space”. It allows you to fairly easily do just what you have mentioned as an example need. You just tell it the sequence of actions that you want it to execute. It is hard to conceive of anything that is going to be simpler.
(positions the window to the left of the screen (I already have Safari and Moom)
Having recently acquired my third StreamDeck (one of each size now) I think I have the real estate (probably on the XL, though maybe the baby one) to implement a cluster of arrow buttons.
As I discussed on Twitter yesterday that might be the thing to do. What I don’t know is whether holding down a StreamDeck button would cause repeat firing.