Really enjoyed this one.
And the talk about having a “daily driver” and whether your task manager is a “boss” or an “assistant” feels like an under-explored point in the productivity world: that your relationship to your productivity software can affect you emotionally. I liked the line from @AppleGuy’s recent post, with the person telling him, “who are you even doing all this for? You have this little guy in your pocket telling you about all the things you should be doing but aren’t, nagging you.”
Don’t listen if you are not interested! Don’t litter the forum with your vulgar memes.
What?? Vulgar? Lol.
You seem to be new here. There is a running joke that goes around the forum that we MPUers like an app and still try out other apps to do a complete circle and come back to the original app.
I was in fact just listening to the show. I can’t comprehend how that meme gif is vulgar. Feel free to ignore such funny posts in the future. It was not a comment on your post or I didn’t tag you on it, so why the annoyance?
Always a fun topic!
In one of my collaborative task worlds, we use Basecamp with a to-do list template that adds these sub groups. The result is a vertical kanban that’s easier to read than the actual kanban tool in Basecamp. It doesn’t have kanban-originated features like WIP limits, but that’s okay.
For my personal OmniFocus, keeping it to a small set of small, polished, informative projects is working well for recurring. Some of the recurring schedules are complicated, but they match reality.
Non-recurring projects continue to be kind of a mess; lots are on hold, waiting for something, or sitting there for the one time a month I can advance a couple of them. It’s not broken, though. At least, if I’m only working on a project once every three months, it’s not the project patiently storing my next action and notes that’s broken. (The one-time projects I work on frequently are usually stuck in my head or exist in project materials/work area that wouldn’t make sense to try to translate to a task list.)
I’ve been better about review this past year and estimate that’s keeping active projects trimmed to half the usual count, which in turn makes reviewing easier. I’ve also invested in shorter, focused reviews by changing the review interval whenever it feels wrong and making the default interval longer.
Perspectives on each device are super focused. I especially like where the iPad use is landed (one of several changes to make the iPad more about touch/thought/reading this year.)
Fun to reflect and learn from others.
I thought your gif thingy was funny, not vulgar. Perhaps the other comment was meant tongue in cheek? Whatever … doesn’t matter.
I listened to this episode on Overcast while driving from Chumphon to Hua Hin, Thailand. I was intrigued and could hardly wait to get out of the car and try out OmniFocus.
I am very curious why you did not mention Craft3, Drafts, or Twos. I have been testing Craft3 and Twos and have found them excellent in keeping organized especially that both move your unfinished tasks to the next day automatically. The Drafts watch app is extraordinary and appears to respond to my desire to take a note with no delay. and from Drafts I move my note to where I need it. If only Drafts offered reminders, I would not need anything else.
Really curious to hear comments on Craft3 and how it compares to Omnifocus
In terms of task management isn’t Craft very much barebones or am I missing something?
I dodged a bullet on this one! I was fearing that if I listened to this episode, I’d be tempted to try another task manager, perhaps OmniFocus, again. But, I heard no siren call.
Another fantastic episode. Stephen + David + Apps = peak MPU
I am a huge omnifocus proponent but I love hearing about other options.
Thank you gentlemen.
You just gave me the confidence to listen to it after fearing the same
I hope I don’t lead you astray!
[quote=“Clarke_Ching, post:7, topic:39511”]
I thought your gif thingy was funny, not vulgar. Perhaps the other comment was meant tongue in cheek? [/quote]
I took it as tongue-in-cheek humor sans emoji, because the other option would be he was a little rude, surely not in this joyous thread with David’s hilarious [Drumroll…] announcement about his new choice. Heh.
Someone asked why Twos was not mentioned. Remember David said there is a new category of task managers, “web-based task calendar integrators” but did not mention any names? I suppose he didn’t want to say names because he didn’t care for them, but we can! Is Twos one of those?
Twos is not robust enough for me, but I thought my spouse might like it.
The Twos app “PALS” thing with the AI action nudges are cool.
Didn’t hear the podcast (avoiding the siren song!) but with the description I think he may be referring to Amie, Notion Calendar, Morgen and what not.
I was hoping to hear some discussion of Godspeed, especially now that it’s available on Setapp. I’ve been using OmniFocus since the Kinkless GTD days, and Godspeed is the first time I’ve been able to use something different.
The Tool Finder channel on YouTube has a ton of productivity app reviews.
And if you are a Gmail user the Calendar has a Kanban Tasks view.
lol, my gif post got flagged. This is entertaining in certain ways.
Seems like there’s too much sensitivity, and we can’t post funny gifs now?
They almost had me trying OmniFocus, but it’s pricing scared me away lol.
the swear word was the issue. That’s why it was “vulgar.” There are still plenty of people that have issues with swearing writ large.