Ads Blocker - Which service you prefer

Thanks for the replies. I got Wipr on the Mac app store and it seems to have returned peace and sanity. I was being tormented by ads for a jacket with a raw meat print, clicked to not show the ad again and it still kept coming back. If that’s the way advertisers behave it’s time to retaliate.

Where have I been all this time? 1Blocker X makes me want to use the web again.

My wife and I had been getting hyjacked by the amazon full page ads. I installed Cisco Umbrella (OpenDNS) on the home router which I think stopped the amazon full screen pop ups.

Hi if you trust Adguard why don’t you try the DNS setup ?

I use adguard dns and Better on safari.

check epic browser maybe

Sometimes it is necessary to turn off AdGuard – e.g., when it aggressively blocks video feeds on legitimate news sites. Is there a way to whitelist or toggle off AdGuard DNS?

The Adguard DNS filtering follows your Whitelisting rules in the application according to their AdGuard DNS page under Customize Filtering. So you add an exception (add to whitelist) then undo that action later.


I’ve been fairly happy with the ad blocking I’ve got through Eero Plus but I am curious how others feel about it?

uBlock origin. On safari. 1Blocker legacy on iOS

Slightly off-topic but I installed Pi-Hole on a Raspberry Pi and eliminated most ads across all devices.

2 years later and I cancelled my Eero Plus subscription. Partly because their ad blocking seemed to no longer work and its a complete black hole of what its doing. Additionally any site incorrectly blocked or no longer working had no way to whitelist.

I too have moved on to using a PiHole and have been fairly happy with it.

I’ve been enjoying NextDNS for encrypted DNS and DNS-level ad blocking. This is especially nice since encrypted DNS is standard on Big Sur and iOS 14. It’s free for 300,000 queries/month or $20/year for unlimited queries. As it is DNS-level ad blocking there is no cosmetic filtering in the browser, so you’ll still want a browser extension for that.

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Slightly off-topic but I installed PiHole (Raspberry Pi based DNS catcher). I configured it in combination with CloudFlare family DNS ( It is set as DHCP server, which allows zero-config on the clients.

What browser extensions for that do you recommend?

For any browser but safari I recommend ublock origin. It’s open source and very powerful.

For safari, either wipr or 1blocker works well.

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I’m wondering whether as blockers are stil necessary with the new security enhancements by Apple in iOS 15?

I use 1Blocker including their Firewall feature, which also causes a lot of issues with web pages and apps.

So I’m wondering if third party blockers are necessary with the new implementations in ios15?

1Blocker especially causing problems for me on Mail for iOS and iPadOS as it won’t let me view images and thumbnails in Mail.

At home I use the build in ad blocker in my hardware firewall (Firewalla Gold). I use a pi-hole on the guest network. Also have a pi-hole in a docker container on my travel router for when I travel.

On the road I use AdGuard Pro on iPad and iPhone

I use Brave Browser in pretty much the toughest configuration as a standard browser.

Set App had Ad Guard in their Mac bundle. It doesn’t seem to work all the time. However, it works often enough to make a huge difference.

I am going to extend my Set App subscription to include iOS precisely because having Ad Guard on duty is like a breath of fresh air.

Or you could buy an AdGuard lifetime subscription for just $19.99 once:

(Bought the family variant for $29.99 some time ago myself)

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I could do that too but there are other apps which I’d like to use on my iPad like Ulysses.


I use Pi-Hole at home and have done for ages. Have it set up as the DNS provider on the router, so no need to change settings on each device.

I can’t remember who recommended it here, but NextDNS is a good service, I ended up installing this and using on my devices when I was visiting family for a few weeks and didn’t have access to Pi-Hole.

I was a happy NextDNS user on iOS 14, but they currently have some issues on iOS 15 (which I hope they can fix, but they claim Apple needs to do that):

  • incompatible with Mail Privacy
  • incompatible with iCloud+ Private Relay