Annoying Finder paper cut with Sequoia

I know this or similar annoyances are not exclusive to Sequoia, but since upgrading, Desktop gets removed from Favorites in Finder’s sidebar. I drag it over there or add it by checking the box in Finder’s settings, and it disappears after an unknown amount of time.

I’m not syncing Desktop and Documents with iCloud, and I haven’t tried deleting the plist like I’ve done in the past for other Finder issues. I don’t recall if that will make me lose any settings, so it may not be worth it.

This is mostly a gripe disguised as a tech support request. Thanks!

This is a long-standing issue not specific to Sequoia. I’ve been a bit lazy, I’m still on Sonoma, and I have to re-add Desktop to Favourites every couple of days. It’s maddening that this is not being fixed.

If it happens quite often, I suggest to reinstall macOS (this is a completely safe thing — you won’t lose any data or settings) and then create a new user account and test whether the issue still persists.

Whoops, bad searching on my part :grimacing:

This is one of those bugs I have always gotten, but it seemed to have gone away for me since Sequoia. Until last week, now it is happening almost daily with one particular link. My most used link.

Another win for Forklift, that does not do that. Except Forklift doesn’t have hit “space” to preview, so I often still use Finder.

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I’ve set up a new to me MacBook Pro entirely from scratch in the last week (I wouldn’t recommend…) and it also has things in the finder sidebar disappearing on me. I didn’t set out to fix that, but it would have been nice if it had.

Luckily, I didn’t encounter this Finder bug. But I did encounter another one — wrong icons. The only solution to solve it was creating a new user account.