Apple TV+ first impressions

The show is a mess and facelifted (emotionless) Jennifer Aniston doesn’t help. The script does not know whether it is pro #metoo, against, in the middle … they sometimes depict Mitch as a terrible person, but in a few minutes, he is a nice guy. They open an issue, but abruptly jump to another one. They want to show the viewer how show business work, but it is obvious they show how they wish it worked …

But if they get it together, it could be a decent show.

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Here’s what you do. Wait a few months. Sign up and binge all the episodes of FAM, See, TMS. Drop the subscription. Costs you $5. Wait a few more months for new programming to complete. Sign up and binge. [repeat until tired]

I think it’s smart, artistic, not preachy at all, as refined and as effective as needed.

I think the script is leading people to think instead of taking a firm stand on either side. And why would they stick to just one issue? They have a whole season. I think they totally have it all together and it’s already a great show.


No, the writers want to talk about many issues, but don’t know how to do it. The script is inconsistent and often unbelievable. The results are flat characters and confusion. The show opened interesting issues, but was not yet able to do something meaningful with them. So there is still hope, but right now the shows is very mediocre at best.

I guess the easiest, simplest way to respond is just to state that I strongly disagree with every one of your opinions. shrug


Just because the show is mediocre doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it.

But if Apple continues producing this level of quality, Apple TV+ will not be able to compete with other big players. But given the amount of money Apple has and since they are apparently aware, they gave themselves a year to do something about it.

@dixonge, @TheMarty You know, in the scheme of things, it doesn’t matter much. It is, after all, merely entertainment, which should occupy a relatively small amount of our lives, attention, and money. There are far more important things with which to concern ourselves. I wont be losing any sleep over this. :slight_smile:


Apple entered a new competitive market with no prior experience. The costs for making it work could be astronomical, and it could present a major future problem (especially for Tim Cook). So I am interested in how the service will progress. So far the shows are not very good, as expected, but I am sure, it will improve.

Apple has entered markets before without any prior knowledge or experience such as the phone and watch markets and look where they are now.


No, Apple was at the real start of the smartphone and smartwatch markets. There is no such innovation in Apple TV+. And creating a show is mainly a creative process and not an engineering feat.

That’s not quite true for smartphones in my opinion. There were plenty of smartphones out there, primarily Palm and others like it. Apple entered the market and set the new standard.

They definitely have defined the modern smartphone market, but they were not the start of it at all. They just did it better.