The Verge’s Zoë Schiffer has been doing some stellar reporting on signals of change in Apple, giving us some insight into both how Apple works and how it changes (or resists change).
Here’s a podcast episode/transcript covering everything she’s reported on recently:
There’re a lot of complex issues here.
Apple’s decision to introduce Slack, Slack’s effects on the company, and the ways they’re now trying to govern it.
Apple’s disregard for their own employees’ privacy, or at least its dysfunction in IT management that leads to privacy problems.
Apple’s insistence against work-from-home (WFH), the cost of living in Cupertino/SF, and the fact that Apple seems to be alone in this stubbornness might lead to employees going elsewhere.
There’s clearly some ethical issues at play, too, and it’s interesting that some employees are countering the stories of those who have been vocal.
So much is going on!
My question for MPU: do you think these issues are a sign of change at Apple that will affect its products or services? Howso?
My take: in strategic foresight/futures thinking, we talk about signals, trends, and drivers. Signals indicate trends, trends are caused by drivers. These events are signals, and some of the underlying drivers are easy to see: easier mass communication; the visibility of Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) issues, Apple’s cultural resistance to bottom-up change. I suspect that a resulting trend might be a loss of talent for Apple, which could influence products and services 5–10 years down the line.
Apologies in advance to the mods for creating a thread in which there may be strong opinions…