Hoping our BTT users will share some interesting BTT workflows?
Personally, in almost a similar fashion to KM, I find it can do so much, that half my problem is thinking of ways to actually use it – hello analysis paralysis!
After watching SCO’s BTT tutorial, in light of my Magic Trackpad 2 arriving tomorrow, I played around a little bit with some of BTT’s features.
One I thought I would share:
A few months back, saw a post from the developer, about a new Floating HTML window, that could be triggered by BTT.
It looked interesting, but after giving it a go, I was a bit lost, not knowing terribly much about CSS or anything even remotely ‘progamming’ related.
So I left it, thinking I would come back to it at some point.
Well, as mentioned - I gave it another go.
After tinkering around, I managed to hack together something that sees me call it up in DTPO, after selecting text, and clicking on the appropriate colour.
BTT then invokes the corresponding highlighter insider DTPO, to then highlight the text.
Emphasis on hack – it was supposed to have my own icons, but I botched the URL link, and they disappeared completely. Turns out, I preferred the buttons without icons, so left it as is!
This isn’t exactly the best use-case for this, compared to what else is being done with it, but it’s my ‘first’ CSS/HTML hack, so there’s that!
And, given how silly my highlighting habits are, I switch colours frequently, so this does help.
Granted, my approach is less of a pain on iOS, but was always annoying on the Mac, regardless of the application being used – so this at least makes things easier.
See below for a little GIF (which I hope will display properly), created using the excellent (and free) GIF Brewery 3.