As part of our PKM group conversation yesterday, there some people who want me to document what I’m doing for a Books Dashboard.
This metadata - which I autogenerate:
Allows to generate tables of my wishlist:
![Book_Dashboard_-MarkPKM-_Obsidian_v1_0_3|690x366 (upload://q69SQpNDouvFyvZY0jdQngm8K5g.jpeg)
In Progress:
Discarded (includes the reason for stopping so I don’t repeat the mistake):
When you look at the metadata the books status and therefore which table it appears in is controlled by an emoji. That might have been a mistake, text based status might have been easier.
(Caveat Discourse is eating the dataview at the top and
bottom of the code blocks).
The dataview queries that populate the tables are:
TABLE join(rows.Author, "<br>") AS Author, join(, "<br>") AS Book
FROM "Sources/BookNotes"
WHERE status = "📥"
GROUP BY Category
In Progress
TABLE Author, Category FROM "Sources/BookNotes" WHERE status = "⏳"
TABLE Author, Reason FROM "Sources/BookNotes" WHERE status = "🗑️"
I generate all of the metadata with a shortcut that relies on to query google books. As a result the shortcut only runs on iOS and iPadOS until @Alexander finishes MacOS Port. Weakness of my shortcut, if there is already a book note there it just halts and you end with a strangely named text file. In addition although it promises to take input from the sharesheet it lies. It always popups a prompt. (Irony I came coauthor a game in JavaScript: but haven’t mastered Shortcuts).
Link: Shortcuts
Someone asked for a picture of the shortcut: