I am looking for a DevonThink consultant to help me jumpstart my DT implementation.
I can be reached at 310^308^4489
Here are my rough notes on what I need
My main reason for wanting to get DT working is that I spend way too much time looking for information.
I hate the share sheet feature on iOS. It has made it very difficult to develop a standard methodology for storing information when all of a sudden the option that you want is not available.
As a result I have my stuff spread out everywhere. OneNote, Dropbox, OmniFocus, QNAP, Documents by Readal, Drafts, Notability, GoodNotes, Craft and even just a little in Notion.
I am retired. I have two rental properties and I do hard money lending.
I manage the family bills and submitting health claims. I struggle with health claims. It is hard to match up what has been submitted with what has been paid.
I would love to be able to set up a standard process for this. My Health Insurance company correspondence does not make it easy.
I am working on a project to help High School and College kids make good career choices.
I find Hook and Houda Spot very helpful. I would like to integrate DT with OmniFocus so that I have the data necessary to do the task linked to or in the task itself.
I have a ScanSnap scanner hooked up to my Mac and PC w a Switch. I would like to have it just scan into DevonThink. I have it working but I donāt really scan there now as I donāt trust DT
I use SwiftScan Pro to scan from my iPhone. I would like to get it readily syncing to DT.
I have Hazel and was planning on using it to name files and move them where they belong but I have heard that some of the functionality is also present in DT. I do not have Hazel implemented.
I have iCloud and might keep my Dropbox account if you think that it would be helpful
I have a lot of disk drives that contain files that might also be on my Mac but I have taken a snap shot of the files/folders and I am now struggling to determine what I can get rid of. Thank God drives are cheap.
That said I think that I would like to move to an annual system for my files so that I only keep the working files 2 years back online and the other later years could be stored on secondary storage where I could still quickly get at them.
Not sure just how workable this would be but it would probably make the databases smaller and searches faster.
I have a QNAP NAS with 16 TB of storage.
I have a M1 Mac mini, Late 2013 Mac Book Pro,( I have heard that it wonāt support macOS Monterey, if so I will be getting a new notebook) iPad and iPhone.
Hopefully we can Zoom/Facetime and share screens to set up the databases. I guess that I could point a camera at my iPhone.
I break my life and file system down as follows:
But then it gets a little more complicated. This needs a bit of cleanup
Questions / Action Items
Index folder or bring into DT
Advantages vs Disadvantages
How do I Clean up duplicate files in a safe manner
I want to take the duplicates to a folder so that I can back them up.
In testing I got a Failed Databse Verification, Plz repair the database.
This is not bad while in test mode but if I was in production and had moved the files into the database, what would I do?
Can I move the files into the database, clean them up and then export the files back to finder - iCloud
DTTG - How do I set up a comnon database between my Mac, ipad, iphone.
Would you just set it up as a inbox and then have to go into move the files where they belong
See note with Finder layout of files in icloud
How do I consolidate App directories
How do I capture a web page so that the links remain live
Do you recommend capturing as a bookmark, web archive or as a PDF
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