I can help you throwing Notebooks.app to the lot.
What’s the benefit of using Notebooks.app? Isn’t it jut an application that looks at a folder structure….no database or anything…so it’s akin to just using the Finder is all you’re really doing is document management?
And maybe I just answered my own question — is it just convienent to have one app to see and open all the files in the folder, regardless of file type?
It also does notes in MD or HTML (called formatted document) including links and backlinks. And it dislays emails as EML which most programs do not do. For iCloud it downloads all files locally which iOS Files does not do.
I see the lack of a database as one of the most useful features. Keeps it lightweight and follows the files over apps philosophy. It also allows to hide some files away with password protection and many more things.
For me it is somewhere near the sweet spot in between DT, Obsidian and Apple Notes.
I might take a look at it as a combo file manager and notes. I basically use DT as file storage and retrieval….and not many files at all. My two databases are pretty small (I used DT more in school but that was a LONG time ago now).
Right now I use Apple Notes for quick stuff, but Obsidian for larger notes and writing. Really the only reason I chose Obsidian over Notebooks was I like the Kanban plugin. I don’t need it, I just like it.
But I’d be fine dropping DT — and never really liked Obsidian for file management.
Hope you will enjoy it. You could even abuse Notebooks and point it at the Obsidian folder. That would lead to a few odd files being displayed I guess.
I have done that, and it works well enough unless (and this has turned out to be a big unless for me) you work with a lot of images and want to store them in the same Obsidian folder / subfolder where the relevant note is located. Unless I’ve missed something, Notebooks wants all images to be stored in one and only one place, and can’t find them and show them in a note if they’re stored anywhere else; for whatever reason, it can’t follow an image link to a folder other than the one it thinks all images are in.
I’ve also indexed my Obsidian folders in Devonthink, which works very well.
I think it stores them under NBImages in the folder of the note. But if I am not mistaken, it does read normal markdown syntax where images are stored elsewhere.