Discount code for Keyboard Maestro

If you’re on the fence about getting a license for Keyboard Meastro, this should push you over to one side.

TCOAYM (take control of your automating your Mac)
Will get you %20 off when you buy from

Having heard nothing buy good things about it, I’ve taken the plunge.


Here’s the link:

Cheers tonycapp.

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Thanks for this! I was planning on purchasing this soon anyway :slight_smile:

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I finally need KM, and it was going on the top of my software purchase list. Glad to cross it off. Next is CleanMyMac and Gemini!


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Thank you for the tip, Tony!

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Sorry folks, looking back it looks like I’ve put in a bad link. I hope you’re all Keyboard Maestro Maestros by now;)