E-Ink in 2025: What's everyone using?

Hi everyone! I know there are some older topics out there around specific e-ink tablets like the Remarkable. What’s everyone using nowadays e-ink wise and how are you using it? It feels like there’s a lot happening in the space lately with the Boox Palma, Remarkable Paper Pro, Supernote Manta, etc.

I’m getting busier at work, going to more conferences, and am about to start managing some people for the first time so my interest in the category has been renewed as a way to take more organized and useful handwritten notes.

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I’ve been using the Boox Tab Mini C since it launched, mostly for Readwise Reader and Kindle.

IMO, the benefits of the colour screen don’t justify the tradeoff in greatly reduced contrast. I expect my next reading device will be greyscale, unless a decent front-lit RLCD tablet arrives.

100%. I tried a Kobo Libra Colour last year just to see if I was missing anything with my 2021 Kindle Paperwhite. The screen was just awful, my Paperwhite looks so much better (and I like the software more but I think that’s a mildly spicy take).

I need to go to a Best Buy to try to the Remarkable Paper Pro. My understanding is that the color tech on it is pretty different than the Boox color tablets and has way better contrast (with several other trade offs).

As a datapoint, I’m using a kindle paperwhite from circa 2011. A lot of fiction, but some biographies, self help and non fiction here and there. I gotta say it is the ideal reading in bed device for me. Reading on my side with the lights off is doable but way less convenient with a physical book. I love physical books, but for that specific scenario, kindle is best.

I am very curious about the supernote and boox palma, but just got a much needed upgraded iPad, so that will have to be a next year or later item.


I ultimately decided against the Boox Palma because of the fact that its Android AND a Chinese brand (trying to be at least somewhat privacy conscious).

Though if Amazon or Kobo comes out with a Smartphone sized device they got my vote.

I am currently using a kindle and when my iPad gives up the ghost I am trading it in for the Remarkable 2. I recently got a Macbook Air that is not a total ham and I find that the iPad is duplicative.

Got paperwhite 2021 for $80 on amazon a year before the new one came out and I am glad I did!

Remarkable Paper Pro. I bought it for the 100-day trial, initially thinking it wouldn’t be what I wanted. I ended up keeping it. I like the size, form-factor, and the subtle but useful color.


(And, when I saw the RPP make a cameo on Paradise I figured the cool kids must like it too. :smile: )


This. 2013 Kindle Paperwhite, used almost exclusively for reading in bed. Elsewhere, I read books on an iPad Air or iPad mini. But the Kindle Paperwhite is ideal for use in bed.


I have a 2014 Kindle. Love it! I am surprised you use other devices for reading outside of bed. I would always opt for my Kindle if not on the tram or similar. It works great after a decade and I cannot find a good reason to replace it apart from micro USB.

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On a side note I’m really sad that Fossil discontinued their Eink Watches. I loved those things.

Did you see that Google open-sourced the original Pebble OS and Pebble’s founder is starting a new company to make e-ink smartwatches? I had the original Pebble in high school and was about to buy one of their round ones when the company was purchased. The Pebble smartwatch is making a comeback, with some help from Google | The Verge


Remarkable is still the best in my opinion, did a post while back Remarkable e-ink tablet for deep work.

Paper Pro is the latest from Remarkable with larger size, backlight and color, but I still prefer Remarkable 2 for writing and size. Use it everyday for work and personal journaling.

How are you integrating this into your workflow. I’m look for ideas ….

I did see that and I am excited to see what comes of it.

It will never happen. But an Apple Remarkable is kind of my dream product.

Lots of bed readers with older Paperwhites here which is awesome! I’m not sure if this is a software feature that got rolled out or not to older models, but the game changer for me with this 2021 Paperwhite was that the screen can be completely inverted for night reading so the screen is black with white text. I find it a lot more comfortable on my eyes and my wife appreciates it too.

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Another Kindle Paperwhite user, as does my wife and my heavy reader daughter who lives half way around the world from here*. Extremely convenient to buy her Amazon gift certificates for her birthdays that she uses to buy ebooks! I’ve bought them either Amazon Prime Day or Black Friday to get a good price.

  • No joke, it’s about 12,000 miles.

I really want an excuse to buy a remarkable and try it out. I’m in a similar position to where you will be – that I have a fair number of projects to manage and people to lead. Today I do notes for my one on ones on my iPad (after the meeting) usually with keyboard, but occasionally with the Apple Pencil if I need a note during the meeting,

What’s kept me from buying the remarkable, or anything like it, is that I just don’t see how those notes are going to live in Apple notes in a useful, searchable, extensible way. I would love for someone to tell me that they have exactly this workflow and it works great!

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The main Apple Watch feature I used was notifications and when my last AW lost support I replaced it with a Timex, that shouldn’t need a battery replacement for 3 or 4 years.

If the new Pebble can show iOS notifications and last a week between charges I’ll definitely give it a look.

The reMarkable Paper Pro (and the reMarkable II, before it) are not “integrated” with other software for me. It’s a tablet for writing and note taking that is air gapped from the internet’s distractions. I love handwriting. I love notebooks. (I have a stack of them for different purposes.) And, I love quiet time. The RPP fits those priorities well.

(Integrated workflows are not all they’re cracked up to be when it comes to quiet enjoyment of one’s work and life.)
