Evernote loses its CEO

Evernote May be in trouble. They not only lost key players, but now their CEO Chris O’Neill has been replaced: https://techcrunch.com/2018/10/29/ian-small-former-head-of-tokbox-takes-over-as-evernote-ceo-from-chris-oneill/

Good thing I cancelled my membership yesterday! Was once a great company but they got away from what made the great others have come in to replace them.

This could be the beginning of the end for Evernote, or it be good news. A leaner staff with a tighter focus with fresh, energetic leadership may help improve the product.

They’re still talking about a collaboration focus, which is not how I use Evernote. Or used it.

I ditched Evernote in April. I used to use it for everything. Now I’m thinking of maybe going back to it for some things. But cautiously. The Web clipper and documents scanning are terrific.

There’s more money in products that multiple people are dependent on - when the product is ‘sticky’ it’s harder to leave, and easier to get professional groups to pay for. The correlation is that it’s comparatively harder to get individuals to cough up subscription revenue.

Evernote is reported to be stagnant in revenue generation, with a tiny percentage of users paying for non-free tiers. So it makes some sense that they focus on those features that make more people pay. Given the availability of free alternatives like OneNote and Apple Notes, I wouldn’t be surprised if Evernote focused more on groups and businesses and tried culling ‘dead weight’ users who’ve got more than their non-money’s worth already.

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I agree. What have you been using since you left Evernote?

I went with DevonThink for a while, but then my MacBook Air – my only Mac – needed to spend a week in the shop and I suddenly found myself without access to my work files. Everything was backed up fine but I had no hardware to run it on.

Now I have a brand new, unexpected MacBook Pro and my wife hjas the MacBook Air. And I’m just using Finder and the iPhone Files app for 90% of what I previously used Evernote for. The remaining 10% is split between the Notes app and Drafts. And it all works fine.

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Loving DEVONThink more and more. For everyday use, Apple Notes is just fine. I used to love Evernote and was significantly invested in it but this company seems to have lost all focus years ago. Unfortunately, seems like a typical case of Silicon Valley hubris.

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Evernote is on borrowed time. Those who are still using it should be prepared to jump ship soon.

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I am still an Evernote user more and more. It is central to my workflow. I think replacing the CEO is an encouraging sign. The beginning of the next phase of innovation.

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I bought DevonThink pro a while back. I’m gonna give it another shot.

I bet Verizon buys them for a low low price

Better Verizon (which chooses to operate Yahoo mail, but decisively divested itself of Flickr) than Google, which has proven itself a fickle and has no compunction about killing platforms after a few years’ dalliance.

Fan of Evernote since June 2009. The quality of the software had dramatically decreased but the current versions seem to have been quite stable for a while and mostly well designed.
I tried DevonThink for a little while but it didn’t match my use case (bucket for everything, shared with my wife).
I just renewed my Premium account for 1 year. I did it directly at Evernote in order to avoid the 30% AppStore cut which they might need more than Apple.

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