How do you visualize your work, week by week, from a 10,000 foot perspective?

I’m using Timing at the moment for my time tracking and I love it. The data may not be as useful as Toggl’s since it’s more of a “set it and forget it” approach (and I haven’t taken the time to sit down and set up a bunch of custom, fancy rules,) but I love having it as a backup memory of sorts to remind myself of what I was doing that day.

I hate logging hours super specifically (because along with my ADHD, I have pretty severe OCD that makes it difficult to “half-do” something,) so tools like Toggle just stress me out. :joy: What if I day dreamed for 2 mins while a Toggle timer was going? Is that work? Was I daydreaming about another project? Should I move that time to that other project manually now? I wonder if there’s an automation for that…? I’m going to go google it… * 4 hours later * reading the 15th wikipedia article on the founder of Javascript. You get my drift. haha I like Timing because I don’t have to stress too much about it. :slight_smile:

I also bill all my clients on a per-project basis rather than by the hour. I prefer that, so I’ve never really had the need for specific billable hours reports for my clients, or even my own curiosity.

Thanks for your input!

Ooo thank you for sharing your workflow – I really like the idea of creating “blocks” for projects and just moving those blocks around to wherever they need to go. Obviously, time, and especially creative work isn’t that simple and things will change, but it’d give my anxious brain a lot of peace to be able to visually see that I have enough time to get it done. And even better, show me that I need to start working because I don’t have as much time as I think.

Thanks again!

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This is great, thank you! I also love the Pomodoro technique and am currently using Vitamin-R with OmniFocus. It’s fantastic and does a great job at the “doing” part of work. I guess I’d just like to get better at the prioritization and being able to visualize what I should be doing. Thanks for sharing!

Yeah, it seems counter-intuitive, because I’ll also get into those focus flows and want to just keep working. I love the flexibility in the app I use, Vitamin-R, as it doesn’t really pressure you into any style of Pomodoro. I like that it keeps me on track for smaller tasks, and reminds me of what I’m doing or should be doing (thanks, Obama ADHD) throughout my day. It also has handy little buttons for “keep working for another 10 minutes” or you can add as much as you want to your pomodoro block as you’d like. So, I guess I’ve sort of altered the pure pomodoro technique a bit, but it works for me. :man_shrugging:

Yeah sorry about that… :grimacing:

This is a great question!

For me, seeing the 10,000 foot view isn’t so much about improving my doing or completing of tasks, but making that experience less stressful. My ADHD is great at getting work done, but it loves to procrastinate, worry about other projects that I should be working on, etc. etc. Having a visual reminder that everything is in its place would be very beneficial to my mental health. So for me, it’s 90% mental health, 10% function, I think.

I do a lot of planning and outlining in OmniFocus, and love that I have that database to dump everything that passes through my head on a daily basis, but I’ve realized that I’d love to have a slightly more visually pleasing supplement to my OF database full of projects and tasks, if that makes sense.

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Wow, this is very well put – I couldn’t agree more with you!

Wow, I love this, thank you for sharing! I’ll definitely be stealing some things from your process. :slight_smile: I still would like something a little more visual, I guess, but this is a great way of looking at things. Thanks again!

Do you still hyper schedule your days? I remember you talking about that, and I’ve enjoyed doing that every once in a while. There are some days I give myself more flexibility and I don’t hyper schedule per se, but I love time blocking for the most part.

If you are still hyper scheduling or time blocking, how far in advance do you do so?

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You are welcome. It’s not stealing if it is freely given :smile:

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I hyper-schedule my most productive days. But some days that doesn’t happen … and very rarely do I hyper-schedule Sundays.


Just catching up, and this is incredible. Thank you!

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