Iconic Apple moments in movies, TV, and other pop culture

I just shared this image on the “Grading the Intel Era” thread


That got me thinking about other movies and TV shows where Apple gear is central to the story. Not just where characters happen to use an iPhone or Mac – where the gear is central, and helps in some fashion to define the character or tell the story.


youve_got_mail_powerbook_3400 youve_got_mail_powerbook_3400_2

And one more:

inship dims

More here (several movie and TV spoilers follow):

What are some additional examples of Apple equipment being central to movies, TV, and other pop culture?

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Not exactly iconic, but memorable. :wink:


It brightens up my day (or night) when I see that beautiful icon. I just love that little orange laptop.

I recall Tom Cruise used a Mac in “Mission Impossible” several moons ago, although I don’t recall it be central to his capers.

Now, I’m going to have the MI theme running through my head. (As an aside, crossover violinist David Garrett does a beautiful rendition.)

This response will self-destruct in 20 seconds. Slowly as I can’t type…

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Seinfeld was using a 10th anniversary commemorative Mac IIRC.

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Love this scene from Zoolander, “It’s in the computer”. It’s the only thing that I remember from that film.



I am an unabashed fan of the Mission Impossible franchise (even the weird second one) but I still can’t believe they portrayed this as an actual email address (circa 1996):


The Net

The onscreen quote is from Job 3:14.

I wonder if there’s a service that gives you throwaway email addresses based on Bible verses.

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Sandra Bullock photos are always welcome but is that a Mac she’s at?

Yes, I remember seeing that scene where she orders pizza from her computer and thinking WOW WE’RE IN THE FUTURE NOW!!!

And now I order pizza from my computer a couple of times a month, and my computer fits in my pocket.

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