iOS contacts app

The ease of this made me become more creative and create more groups in my Contacts. Lovin’ Cardhop a lot more :slight_smile:

You can also do this right in iOS Mail or Spark… not sure about other third client mail apps. Just start typing the name of the group while in the to or cc or bcc field.

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Strange, I tried this. But it was a new group I just created, maybe it wasn’t synced yet.

Just messing around with cardhop… no pretense this is best practice or answers the question in Spark.

  • created a group called shot
  • went to contacts list and added members to the shot group

From the contacts list

  • typed in to the bubble email shot
  • from the group matches I selected shot
  • this brought up an email addressed to group members


Where can I see the videos that @MacSparky made for this app?

Also, what is the point of the app? I think I’m missing the point of it.

It’s true - at the end of the day, what this app can achieve are what the first party iOS Phone app or iOS Contacts app or your messenger app (WhatsApp, Telegram) or Mail app can already do. So why need an intermediary app? It’s a question I asked myself as well.

As I used it more, I find two major use case for me:

  1. the Notes section - yes, the Phone app can enter notes as well for each contact abut my god, I want to murder the iOS Apple Dev who made it so difficult to tap the Notes section to enter details of my encounter with a person. I often find it frustrating to enter but cardhop made it so easy and accessible.
    I have a lot of business contacts and I do keep a notes of my communication with them, or to remind me when we last met and who the person is or with who. Cardhop made it super easy.

  2. if you have the Mac app - and I do - I often find myself copying a cohtact’s email signature and pasting to Cardhop. Cardhop automagically parse the signature into all the fields and voila, I have the person details in my Contacts.

Yes, these are things the native app can do but Cardhop made them accessible and improves the quality of life.

Managing groups was my reason for purchasing it. It’s not possible to manage groups on iOS in the native app.

Does Cardhop (iOS, macOS) support adding relations (links between contacts; like “father”, “mother”, “brother”, “sister”, “child”)?

Or is this restricted to the default (Apple) Contacts App?

(I don’t see the relations I created in that App in the FastMail web interface)

I just give it a try - email sister - and no, it doesn’t seem to support unless I put “sister” in the Notes section.

It works if you add the relation to your own card (and you’ve told Cardhop which card is yours). I just added my sister as a relation to my card, and it works. email girlfriend works too.


How did you do this? And on which platform? (iOS/macOS)

I currently only have the macOS trial and don’t see how I can add relationships between contacts.

EDIT: Oh, you need to add a “Related Name” and then change the label… That’s confusing (me)!

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Did anyone try out the new directory feature, on macOS and/or iOS?

For both my employer and my current customer I see organisation, title, and work address fields, but not email or phone number. This makes the functionality almost useless… (all quick actions are disabled because of the missing contact info)

Additionally I noticed that vCard export does not seem to export all information in a card. For example email addresses are not exported?

Just discovered you can also type me to get your card, but you can’t type my


copy me home email

works, but

copy my home email



Try this Terminal command:

defaults write WillingToGiveHalfMyStuffToWife -bool true

Just note that this settings change is irreversible.

Edit:Aw, you withdrew your post :neutral_face:

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That’s good you can manage group contacts it’s a pain in the IOS app to do that.

Flexibits just released version 1.2.1, on a Sunday, with this update (a.o.):

  • Fixed an issue with Exchange and Office 365 directory contacts not showing phone numbers or emails

And my issue is indeed solved now! :smile:

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Thanks for the Cardhop suggestion. I’m loving it so far. Faster and easier to get to contact information


Thanks for reviving this thread.
Cardhop solves an annoyance I’ve always had – should be able to highlight a name and address and have it added to contacts. Cardhop does that and much more.

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Can you send a text to a group of people you have?