iPhone Homescreens!

I love that concept! As a huge Allen fan, I’m interested in knowing more about how each shortcut facilitates GTD. Any particularly helpful tips?

Pretty standard stuff from me…

You can read this here and download all the shortcuts, macro’s and applescript and adjust to your needs


This is a terrific write up Bert - Bravo!

Thanks for sharing, can’t wait to give some of these idea a try.

Google Voice replicates it, and you can access Contacts by giving permission. Of course, it uses a different phone number (freely provided to users) and separate voicemail account.

To clarify, while there are third-party services that provide phone-like functionality, I don’t think that third-party apps have access to any of the cellular phone features on the iPhone, including things like recent callers and voicemails. As far as I can tell, these apps can only kick off a phone call and I think there’s always a confirmation prompt.

On a side note, Google Voice isn’t an option for me and many others as I believe it’s only available to folks in the USA.

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Well, no because it’s a totally different phone number. But it replicates those features, as I noted.

Android allows deeper hooks into the system so VOIP apps like Google Voice can take over and act as the primary phone number, which was the one nice thing I liked about my old crappy Android phone.

As for using GV outside the USA it’s trivial to get one, although you’ll be given a US phone number. And with a GV number (or Vonage, or a bunch of others) you can also buy hardware boxes that go on your network and let you receive/send VOIP calls at home for free.

I’m a big proponent of VOIP, on iOS or at home. I know someone who got a Vonage account and later moved to Jerusalem but took the Vonage box with him, so people in the US still call his ‘Brooklyn’ number to reach him, and his calls to the US are included in his yearly prepaid charge.

Thanks for your detailed response.

I have Canada and Canada/USA toll-free numbers that I use for business (through a VOIP provider called DIDWW) that forward to my cellular phone number under specific circumstances. For me, phone service is much less of a priority than it used to be as I don’t make or receive nearly as many phone calls as I used to back in the day.

I went a little overboard one day and placed all apps in folders with the exception of my daily use apps. I search for everything else. I always searched no matter how many screens I had.

I may as well keep them all in folders. I’m not crazy right?

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My setup has changed in the past few weeks since the iOS public beta, and some MPU episodes.

I have added some shortcuts to my homescreen, and mainly use those to focus my activities

The second screen (my original homescreen):

This is still my go to setup, one screen, but I just want to test the option of putting shortcuts on the homescreen as a focus.

I tried a folder-less homescreen but it never works out…

How in the world do those badges not stress you out?? I have to get rid of mine as soon as they come. Most of my apps don’t have notifications turned on for this reason.

If their badges stress you out, you don’t want to see mine in this thread.

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I’d love to know what’s in the folders.

Just for completionist sake, I found a thread in reddit which leads me to the author of this wallpaper, Mikael Gustafsson. The wallpaper is called “Small Memory”.

And for the gamer in this group, the art is from an upcoming game called Among Trees, a beautiful survival game.


Mikael Gustafsson’s work is so great—one of only ~three people I follow on Dribbble. I had no idea that was attached to a game, though, so thanks for the follow-through!

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Pretty! Can I ask why the alphabet in the Folders?

I can’t find the direct source, but I’m pretty sure the idea came from Tristan Harris.

Thanks! I couldn’t find the explanation but it’s a nice resource.

I think it was a strategy to encourage launching apps by typing, which reduces the eye candy of icons.