I use Syncovery in Windows and it’s a great tool. $5 for Mac is a steal, except if you are using a MacBook and do not have a lot of storage. In that case, you don’t want to synchronize your folders.
I cannot speak to the utility or the worthiness of Parrot or Reflector. But I can state the my Mac Studio shows as an Airplay destination from my iPhone and iPad.
As to casing music from my Studio (and previous Macs), I use Airfoil from Rogue Amoeba for years and am quite happy with it.
So I played with regular AirPlay and when I mirror from iphone to Mac, it seems to only allow full screen on the mac. From the videos about Reflector, you can resize and also cast to windows computers.
There is at least one distinct difference. The MacOS built-in feature displays the remote machine’s screen at fullscreen only. However, Reflector will display the remote machine in a resizable window with an optional frame which mimics the look for the device. Therefore, you can have an iPad screen within what looks like an iPad frame. This could be preferred when sharing the iPad on a video call from your Mac, for example.
I don’t! But I did download it since it was on sale and I use Acorn and the devs are practically my neighbors. I am going to play with it some day. There’s actually quite a bit I do w/screengrabs in my publications and I bet I could create a workflow that makes them look nice and uniform without much effort.
Retrobatch is excellent - I regularly use it for resizing images (workflow embedded before Shortcuts came about which would do it). I also use it for removing GPS location data and creating files with specific names, as well as thumbnails at the same time. Combining images, date stamping and converting.
Again, I believe that Shortcuts can do some of this now, but Retrobatch did it prior to Shortcuts coming to the Mac.